

Apparently, T.O. has tried to commit suicide by overdosing on painkillers. I cant believe the Cowboys signed that headcase and gave him $10 million up front!!!

I told you all months ago in the TO thread that this was a HUGE mistake and he would bring the Cowboys down not take them to the Super Bowl.
I dont think Darthtang is around anymore but he led the charge of saying i was completely wrong and getting TO would work out great and was a smart move for the Cowboys. Oceanists felt the same way.
What do you guys think about the TO signing now???
I cant believe we put all our hopes into that freakin headcase!!! :mad:


all he took was 5

. that's kiddie stuff. women do this all the time. they never actually complete the suicide because it's not their intention. more like just a cry for help.


Active Member
I always thought he was crazy but never guess he'd be capable of that. I hope this will be the end of his football career and will finally leave mainstream media. What a waste of talent.


Active Member
TO is currently laughing at these statements and accusations... he had a reaction to the Pain

from the recent surgery and the suppliments he takes... there will be a live press conference later this afternoon where TO will address the media and fans...
its unfortunate that the media releases information before the truth is discovered... and with such a high profile celeb the general public grasps onto whatever they say...


He can say what he wants now but ill be shocked if this was made up. He's been taking pain

forever and the surgery was 8 days ago. Why would he just have a reaction now?
That whole police report was made up? Highly unlikely
Even if it was, it still proves why the Cowboys shouldn't have signed him. Too much drama and too many distractions. Combine that with getting hurt EVERY year and he aint worth the trouble anymore.


Active Member
i have been listening to the NFL N all morning... the police were called by the paramedics... no other actual statements from the police have been released... i havent understood why the Cowboys picked up TO in the first place... it was vs the Cowboys 2 years ago when his ankle was broken... he wasnt injured last year, but then again he didnt play 9 games... it doesnt matter what TO does it is gonna be blown outta porprotion... i am suprised that there isnt a "what kinda TP does TO use" in the paper daily...


That was my point when i said we shouldnt sign him. Anything he does is big news. I'm sure the rest of the Cowboys are already sick to death about talking to him. Now all week, every player will have 50 microphones in their face asking about T.O. Noone will care about the game or anything else, just TO questions.
I'm sure that MANY cowboys players resent this and are sick of him and the questions/attention already. At this point in his career, he isnt worth the trouble or distractions in my opinion. I would have rather kept Keyshawn and signed Hutchinson. I think our offense would be better with Keyshawn and Hutch rather than TO and kyle kosier.


Active Member
man the coach sounded mad at the end of the conference..." whenever i figure what the hell is goin on ill answer that" and he walked away


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
man the coach sounded mad at the end of the conference..." whenever i figure what the hell is goin on ill answer that" and he walked away
thats typical Parcels media talk... he dislikes the media and takes every oppertunity to shun them...


Active Member
in case you missed it... TO publicly denied that he tried to commit suicide... his publicist who was the one that placed the call publicly denied he tried to commit suicide... she placed the call in genuine concern for TO well being... TO actually practiced a little today... All of his teamates that were interviewed showed disgust in the media for not having the facts and blowing out of porportion...


TO definitely didnt seem like someone who tried to kill himself yesterday. His story seemed pretty believable.
His publicist definitely sounded shady and was dodging questions. I dont know if she just freaked out last night and blurted stuff out or is lying today but she didnt sound to believable.
We'll probably never know what happened. At least until TO's 3rd autobiography
Let the TO circus roll on.


Active Member
well IMO Marshall Faulk just put it the best... 'TO loves himself too much to try and kill himself... besides he has 23 million reasons not to kill himself..."


Active Member
The good thing about T.O. overdosing in Texas, is that he is not overdosing in Philly. Hey, maybe instead of calling him T.O. we should call him O.D.?



Originally Posted by trainfever
The good thing about T.O. overdosing in Texas, is that he is not overdosing in Philly. Hey, maybe instead of calling him T.O. we should call him O.D.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
Apparently, T.O. has tried to commit suicide by overdosing on painkillers. I cant believe the Cowboys signed that headcase and gave him $10 million up front!!!

I told you all months ago in the TO thread that this was a HUGE mistake and he would bring the Cowboys down not take them to the Super Bowl.
I dont think Darthtang is around anymore but he led the charge of saying i was completely wrong and getting TO would work out great and was a smart move for the Cowboys. Oceanists felt the same way.
What do you guys think about the TO signing now???
I cant believe we put all our hopes into that freakin headcase!!! :mad:

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm T.O didnt attempt suicide ...... that was a huge rumor .... I work in the medical industry .... if T.O. attempted suicide he would be let of the hospital for AT LEAST 72 hours.... I fully suppport the TO move and he is going to be huuuuuuuuuuuuge for the boys this year .... as the police said ... there were no criminal intentions..
Get off of his back
and get your facts straight. look up attemped suicide laws on the internet.
HUUUUUUUUUGE rumor fueled by media wanderers liek your self..........I suppose you beleive everything fox news and Bill Oreilly says also
dont call me out on my opinion, i stand by everything i say .... I love TO .... hated him before love him now ...
I cant wait to see his first TD dance in a boys uniform


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
The good thing about T.O. overdosing in Texas, is that he is not overdosing in Philly. Hey, maybe instead of calling him T.O. we should call him O.D.?

yeah that would be real funny ... put more stress on somebody that is "supposedly" allready depressed...
all you will do is piss him off
and it will be that much funnier when he catches 3 TD's on your sorry philly phan @$$e$


Active Member
IMO he is only getting so much publicity because of his past "episodes". Personally I am TOed & MOSSed out. I want to see RESULTS from a NFL player period. No talk, or glamor, just great plays.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
IMO he is only getting so much publicity because of his past "episodes". Personally I am TOed & MOSSed out. I want to see RESULTS from a NFL player period. No talk, or glamor, just great plays.

I agree Im an old school fan , spike the ball run back to the sideline ....
allthough I am waiting for some shock and Awe from Owens on the cowboys, just because i had to deal with it when we was a 9er and an eagle


Active Member
TO is a disrtaction regardless of whether he tried to commit sewercide or not.
He is a distraction that will cost Dallas. If any one thinks other wise they are living in denial. History tells us he has been a distraction with every team he has played for...regrdless of coach, players or team. There is no reason to beleive he has seen the light.
It is up to TO to prove this opinion wrong.


I think TO is a complete idiot. He has a good oppertunity to make something of himself after the philly thing and here he goes again. He should be bared from the NFL for life. people like that give the NFL a bad name. he would respect life better if he were out digging ditches or some other hard labor, instead of skating by life with the silver spoon...Give the money to someone that wants to play ball and makes the game good, just like the old days.
bradshaw fought depression for years and he didn't make a spectical of himself.