T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered


Active Member
Originally Posted by baytran7
I'm not arguing, i'm open to anything anyone says, i just want solid data that can steer people in the right direction of understanding Lighting. The one thing I hate most are people who talk and talk and talk, yet have no evidence to support their theories, as a Marine Biologist major I am focused on Hard evidence and not he said/ she said. If it is not backed by any research and have gone through the Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Theory Stages, I have no use for it. I have said it before and I will say it again, if you don't have any proof to your statement, don't bother posting it because it is a non-educated guess. Why not just come out and say, I am sitting on a high horse and I know everything in the universe so what I say you must believe. From this post you see alot of people wanting good info on which light to use, and you guys are giving your opinions without any proof. In my book, UNPROVEN ADVICE = BAD ADVICE.
If you want proof about this stuff and you are studying to be a marine biologist then look it up. I'm sure someone has a study on this. In fact someone above pointed out one source. Don't act like we are all idiots because the circumstancial evidence is overwhelming. Go get some equipment and do the research yourself even. You have no proof to back up your side either. Your argument is a strawman.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
That should really end this debate, but it won't.
People will argue that because they 4 bulbs, they have more PAR, but the fact is that each bulb will still only penetrate so far. You may have more usable light up top, but not down deeper.
what he tested were only 1 bulb so in fact t-5s are more powerfull. so if a 250w 10k mh is 545 or what ever and 1 54w t-5 is like 345 than a 4 bulb that is less watts has almost 2 times more light than a 250wmh


5 pages !! and only 2 people who have used both t5 and MH. both of them say MH gave better results in their tanks. since i am concerned with more growth and better color, instead of how many times i have to change a stupid bulb or how much it cost. i am glad i have MH on order for my new tank setup instead of t5's. on a different note, after reading this i am wondering since i live in florida and have a/c, that stays between 71 and 76 year round, did i waiste $$ on an artic titanium 1/4 hp chiller that i have coming? 118g corner 30" high, ,maybe 8 inches from lid of canopy to top of splash guard (i guess water line at least an inch or 2 below that?). i have a 4" ice cap cooling fan coming. lighting is coralife aqualight 1x150W 10000K HQI MH 2x65W Actinic 03 PC 24" x 15" x 2.75" are dimensions of unit. i am limited to that size because of size of opening for lid on ths canopy. is this enough lighting for this tank?

tx reef

Active Member
For a 30" deep tank, I would have gone with a 250 watt MH.
You will probably find that the chiller is not needed.


Active Member
no u need a new ballast, the 150w ballast will only run a 150w bulb and i dont think a 250w bulb wil fit into a 150w socket


Let's make this post more interesting, What kind of animal can you keep with a MH and not with a T5? If you can name one animal that cannot live under a T5 that will thrive under a MH then this debate would be done. That way the decision for a fixture can be easier for those looking for one.
Also, make it a fair comparison, watts for watts. That way you can see which one makes more light.


Active Member
You should know what the answer will be. MH users will say Anything can just live under T5, but if you want stuff to thrive, get MH.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You should know what the answer will be. MH users will say Anything can just live under T5, but if you want stuff to thrive, get MH.



Originally Posted by puffer32
You should know what the answer will be. MH users will say Anything can just live under T5, but if you want stuff to thrive, get MH.

THAT is a stupid answer, didn't you see MATT819's post above with the fishtank full of stonies? Does that look like it's surviving or Thriving? here i'll post a pic for you to remember it alittle better.


Here is a pic of a MH user, this one is thriving also. Alittle experience goes a long way, so making statements like T5 will just survive is something to :hilarious at.... I've seen MH tanks look pretty awesome also. So point is..... ANYTHING can be kept under both types of lighting. Just depends on the hobbiest.


Active Member
My stuff is thriving very well under T5's. I have had both, and have nothing against MH. The only thing I miss about it is the shimmering affect MH gives the tank, would I go baack for that reason, hell no! The pluses with T's out numbers the minuses, at least for me, i know others feel different, they say if its not broken, why fix it? Anyhow, you won't find me in any more debates about MH vs T'5, to me its a just a matter of preference, I respect whatever reasons MH users chose for their lighting, as well as PC users for their choice, I hope others will respect the choices of us T5 users in return


Active Member
Originally Posted by baytran7
THAT is a stupid answer, didn't you see MATT819's post above with the fishtank full of stonies? Does that look like it's surviving or Thriving? here i'll post a pic for you to remember it alittle better.
Hey whoaaaaa buddy, not a stupid answer, your question was stupid! I am a T5 user and your question left MH groupies the opening they wanted, they will insist that T5's lighting is only good for keeping things alive, but MH makes things thrive. You worded your question wrong, or i read it wrong, but I didn't give a stupid answer
Oh forget it, this is a stupid thread that should have ended pages ago


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
My stuff is thriving very well under T5's. I have had both, and have nothing against MH. The only thing I miss about it is the shimmering affect MH gives the tank, would I go baack for that reason, hell no! The pluses with T's out numbers the minuses, at least for me, i know others feel different, they say if its not broken, why fix it? Anyhow, you won't find me in any more debates about MH vs T'5, to me its a just a matter of preference, I respect whatever reasons MH users chose for their lighting, as well as PC users for their choice, I hope others will respect the choices of us T5 users in return

Well said, and with that this thread has finished it's useful life.