T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered


If they're pumpin out heat and runnin up electric bills the way they do...they better promote growth. I'll get halides when I decide to grow pot, until then, it's not worth it for me! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
It's Frank Esser's tank...you can see more at *Link Removed*, check out the feb 06, and look up frank esser's tank...BEAUTIFUL, huh?
i love seeing this tank. and yes it uses t5. BUT colors up the corals with MH every few months. and also grows out the corals under mh and addes them to the display, send him an email and ask yourself he does not hide with fact.


I actually will do that...that's kind of misleading, he never mentions that at all. btw, I was kidding about the pot thing, if I wouldn't have bought this all glass canopy, I probably would've got DE150w halides. Maybe the reefstars from hamilton...they're only like 3 inches high, the reflectors, that is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
I actually will do that...that's kind of misleading, he never mentions that at all. btw, I was kidding about the pot thing, if I wouldn't have bought this all glass canopy, I probably would've got DE150w halides. Maybe the reefstars from hamilton...they're only like 3 inches high, the reflectors, that is.
BTW also speak with him about the otehr methods he uses to run that tank.
it is very unconventional to say the least. works though so good for him. like i said prior its all about what works for YOU. what works for me may not work for another.
BTW i have never claimed to know everything about this hobby. many posters ahve relied on my dirrection BUT my word is far from being final. there are many many ways to keep a tank. although my way is proven to work very well so aremany others. as said by someone prior i do not put myself on a higher plain. i am no different then anyone else. i read the internet search for answers and do alot of trial and error just like everyone else.


I can't seem to conjure up his email address, although I found a forum he is supposedly active on...we'll see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
I can't seem to conjure up his email address, although I found a forum he is supposedly active on...we'll see.
i am looking now but there is another tank that also uses only t5 that looks very nice. even more sps then franks many types that are said to be hard to keep. i dont know much other then whats posted on the tank by the owner. its a better example because he uses what would be considered "normal" methods of tank keeping. and is something everyone can relate to. of course now that i want it i cant find a pic


I would like to know how you know that little piece of information, he seems quite proud of his t5s...why would he NEVER mention metal halide having anything to do with his tank?


I quote:
For the lighting I confined myself to 4x54 Watt ATI T5 bulbs with good parabolic reflectors, and this turned out - contrary to common opinion- to be enough light for good SPS growth.
He confined himself? Contrary to common opinion...I'd say so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
I would like to know how you know that little piece of information, he seems quite proud of his t5s...why would he NEVER mention metal halide having anything to do with his tank?
i dont know why its not my tank. one time on another large forum someone asked about how he gets the color fo bright with only t5. and his answer was what i said. that and the fact that he uses a very blue light to make the color look better.


You're talking about the guy who lives in sri lanka or whatever I bet. I tried to post some of those pics but they were a little too big and I was too lazy to size them down late last night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
You're talking about the guy who lives in sri lanka or whatever I bet. I tried to post some of those pics but they were a little too big and I was too lazy to size them down late last night.
i think your right. it was around july sometime when i saw it. I just remeber being very impressed. althought i must say his maintance schedule was FAR past what most people would have the time to do. but it was a good example of what can be done if you put all you got into it


I hear the ATIs put out the most par. Also the aquablue are about 12k...I'd run 2 of those, a UVL super actinic, and a Blue plus...that I think would be ideal.


The thing that impressed me was it was like 100gals + and he was only running 6 lamps on the whole tank, or somethin like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
I hear the ATIs put out the most par. Also the aquablue are about 12k...I'd run 2 of those, a UVL super actinic, and a Blue plus...that I think would be ideal.
i run ati on one of the tanks and have no complaints. i dont run any actinic however on that tank so i cant speak for that


It's reefkeeping's tank of the month for march 05. He started with six bulbs, then increased to 8. 110gals. Crazy sps all over though, yeah.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
The thing that impressed me was it was like 100gals + and he was only running 6 lamps on the whole tank, or somethin like that.
i have a friends here that is also running 6 54 watt lamps. and his tank is 265 gallons. he used to be the biggest mh buff. and a HUGE sps fan. nothing but MH was good enough as far as he was concerened. when setting up this new tank he needed less heat and less cost when he set up this tank. so he decided to run t5. he decided since he did not have the time for an sps tank any mroe that the t5 would be enough. his tank is VERY nice and has all kinds of stuff. he cant seem to keep the sps that he used to but does keep alot of digi and monti cap. although he does wish he could have MH again over all the t5 as worked out evry well for his needs


6 for 265...when I'm sure most people would be running like 3 - 250w halides or more. That's a big savings for us penny pinchers, and you can still keep nice stuff? Nice. T5 imo has been a great advancement in reef tanks. I only hope the new LED generations will prove more successful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
6 for 265...when I'm sure most people would be running like 3 - 250w halides or more. That's a big savings for us penny pinchers, and you can still keep nice stuff? Nice. T5 imo has been a great advancement in reef tanks. I only hope the new LED generations will prove more successful.

thanks. i am very excited about the LED's IMO it will be the furture but for me although i dont care to much about the money they are still a bit to pricey for my taste. i plan to let otehrs give them the trial run so that some data can be collected before i take the dive