Take my poll, pwease? *Puppy Eyes*


MEXICO? White boy go asking for "coke" in Mexico - you're looking at a nasty cell for at least 10 years! Better call it soda down south!!


Active Member
COKE!!! BTW that will mean any soft drink. If i want a coke at a restaraunt i say exactly that....I want a coke. what kind? see it all works out here in the south!


Its coke here in NC.....I have relatives in Cleveland, OH and they all call it POP....makes me laugh


Final conclusion:
Great Lake States: Pop ( I cant stand that)
South (especially Tx): Coke (still annoying when asking for a Pepsi)
Everywhere else: Soda



Originally posted by Asbury030
i always get in arguments about that and also between clicker and remote.

Here's a new one for you, my father calls the thing a freakin channel changer


I'm from Atlanta here (Coke capital). If you ask for anything that isn't made by coke, you'll get shot!!! :scared:


My BF and I are always bustin on each other bout this! I'm from NY and say soda, he's from IL and says pop! BTW Nick...he's always makin fun of me for saying wicked too ( and his name is Nick too) LOL.


New Member
In Alabama every kind of soda is 'coke'.
But here's nother funny one about the gap in the languages. We went to Orlando last year and we ran out of 'bath cloths' (at least that's what it's called down there, little did I know) I ran into one of the maids in the elevator and told her we needed some extra 'wash rags'. I swear that lady looked at me like I was speaking martian or something. My husband was standing beside me in the elevator and he was about to bust a gut laughing at me. It was then that he corrected me asking for bath cloths. Who knew. Sheesh.

We also went to D.C. and needless to say they forgot to leave us such a necessity as toilet paper. I sent my 12 yr old son on a mission to acquire me a roll because I just happen to be the one who was 'stuck' in the unfortunate situation to discover they forgot to leave some. He told her we needed 'toilet paper' and she gave him a roll of paper towels. He had to point to what we really needed.


the great lak states dont call it pop! im from Wisconsin and everyone here calls it Soda, maby the great lake stated out east call it pop, i dont know.


isnt it funny how over a long period of time english changes, soda pop coke, clicker remote channel changer, etc.. its just strange how there are diferent words for the same things in a different parts of the world.


New Member
It all boils down on where ya' from. I've lived as far North as Minnesota, where it's POP and as far South as Texas where is "Soda Water".......