Tang question. I am so MAD!


OK all. Quick update to anyone who cares!
My yellow Tang is doing GREAT! There are no visable spots on him. It has almost been a week now treating him. We have about 3-4 days left. I am using a product called Ick Attack. I HIGHLY recommend it. It is not expensive. Thanks to all who helped out!


Eaglephot, do you have corals and inverts? I'm just trying to get a list of what people say worked for them with corals and inverts.

sarah fair

Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Please tell me that SOMEONE has used a Yellow Tang to cycle a tank. I can't be the only one. Thomas, you seem to know a TON about the saltwater world. Have you heard that people use them to cycle?
i did use a yellow tang...but i didnt know any better..but he made it through fine. so idk


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sarah Fair
i did use a yellow tang...but i didnt know any better..but he made it through fine. so idk

Has your tank finished cycling?


Originally Posted by enyates
if he has actually cycled with a tang in the other tanks, is that tang still alive???????
I sold the Tang with my 125 2 years ago. I am not sure if it is alive or not. I had the tang for a year-2 years before I sold the tank.


Originally Posted by WLA1610
Eaglephot, do you have corals and inverts? I'm just trying to get a list of what people say worked for them with corals and inverts.
I don't have any coral or inverts yet. Ick Attack (if that is what your question is about) is reef safe. I would look it up.


Joshd123 said:
What I use is Garlic Guard by Seachem. I put a cap full in everyday. It makes my fish eat like crazy. It is Natural way to kill ick also and will not hurt anything. It works just like it does with a human taking Garlic

to keep bugs off of him. The little bugs don't like the tast (or that is the idel) and they just don't get on any of your fish. It works. I'm telling you it does. When I started to use it even my corals liked it. They have more color now. It is crazy. They even started growing faster. My Green star polyps started growing 1/8 a inch a month in one direction now. I have had over 90 diffrent kinds of corals and only have had one die from the start and that was because my flower pot stung it to death. Right now I have over 50 diffrent kinds of corals. Most of the ones I have now are harder to get ahold of. That is the ones I like to grow and Frag out. So if I was you I would try it.
do you have to shut off the skimmer when you put in the garlic gaurd?


Originally Posted by peter1215
do you have to shut off the skimmer when you put in the garlic gaurd?
I would assume not because he uses it everyday. You can't go everyday without a skimmer.


Active Member
I guess you know not to cycle tanks with fish by now...as for the ich problem. Whenever I see a speck of ich, I have decreased salinity in the main tank to 1.021 and decreased temperature to 75. I also go ahead and feed my fish garlic soaked food and add vitamin c to both food and water. then I wait a day to see if the fish will improve. If not- then into the hospital tank and hyposaline....What I have found in my tank is that sometimes with evaporation, or with water changes, and my own carelessness trying to predict how to add things, the salinity rises just enough to "shock" the fish. once "shocked" they either become more susceptible to ich, or their skin just appears to be breaking down because of a sudden change. Once corrected they can sometimes resume their strength and fight off infections. It is always better to end up with a lower saline than you started with than a higher saline. fish are more susceptible to rises in saline than decreases in saline. Higher saline 1.024 1.025 and higher temps 78 - 80 allow ich to thrive in the tank. But if the fish is already twitching around, not eating, and swimming weirdly or hiding all the time. Then it is best to put it in a hospital tank. Beth has millions of threads explaining this procedure and how to use hyposalinity to treat ich. If you have sea stars and inverts and reef stuff, you obviously can not drop the salinity of the main tank much below 1.023 or these things may begin to die off. ( If I do this, I move my sea stars to the hosp tank)


Originally Posted by sleasia
Higher saline 1.024 1.025 and higher temps 78 - 80 allow ich to thrive in the tank.

As I understand it, the ich actually has a shorter life cycle at higher temps. I raise the temp during an outbreak. I know this is not a cure but the idea is to speed up the life cycle before the parasite has a chance to find another fish host.


New Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
If someone could put an elephant in a 10 gallon tank to cycle it I'm sure sooner or later someone would do it.
I cycled my aquarium with an elephant. My LFS said it was reef safe too!
