

Is there a tang that would be happy in a 65 gallon. The dimensions are 36Lx18wx24h. I want the tang to be happy not just survive. If this is not going to work than let me know and I won't purchase one. I want to be a responsible hobbist! If there is a species that would work let me know.


What species do you suggest? Please let me know, I was thinking of a Gold Rim, Purple Tang, or Sailfin. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
*****'s purples usually go on sale for more like 50 around syracuse...i think the list price is 125 but i can't imagine anyone every paying that much for a fish that isn't worth the much...and is from *****!!!!
Originally posted by EBeckels:
<strong>*****'s purples usually go on sale for more like 50 around syracuse...i think the list price is 125 but i can't imagine anyone every paying that much for a fish that isn't worth the much...and is from *****!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Exactly! I work there! When you could get a good healthy fish for $50 or so, why buy a under feed, disease infested one for $125 from *****!? Trust me, some of our stores have decent fish speacalists, but the other 95% of our stores don't. Usually just some high school kid that knows how to do a water change. :D

sinner's girl

I had a yellow tang (the smallest i could find) in a 55gl. He was happy enough.. untill my Clown killed him...the purples are $125 at my local *****, Something to do with sept. 11, they can't get them or something.
But spend time watching the kinds you think you might like, then pick out the one you like best.


I have a Regal Tang in a 55... He is pretty happy and hasn't grown much since I got him about 7 months ago. I am going to transfer him to a 75 just to be safe, but he has tons of room in his tank right now.


Active Member
No tang will be happy in a tank. They will survive though. would u be happy in your living room all your life? eating, sleeping, and pooping in the same place?


Active Member
Originally posted by wamp:
<strong>No tang will be happy in a tank. They will survive though. would u be happy in your living room all your life? eating, sleeping, and pooping in the same place?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Well, this is one of the most ridiculous statements I've heard in a long time!
That is for sure! I don't recommend getting the Powder blue tang, it contracts ich quite easily, then again, so all tangs, but the most sensitive ones I think are the Powder Blue and Purple;


Active Member
Ridiculous statements? Why on earth would you say that? I am a reef keeper and have been for years but, I still to this day, I think that it is out of our selfish greed and desire to be surrounded by beautifull things we, as humans, continue to destroy all that nature has provided! And by we I do mean myself included in that stament. Now back to my previous stament. Now, If you were a fish in the ocean minding your own business and then one day some guy comes up with a squirt bottle and knocks you out and puts you in a bag. Now 36 hours latter your in a tank with 100 other fish. Then you get put back in a bag. 36 hours later your in a store, in a tank with other fish that dont get along. Then some guy picks you out. Your in a bag again! You go to his aquarium and he lets you out of your bag. Wow! Now you have 36" to swim back and forward in for 24 hours a day! all day every day! From 1000 acres to less than 4 ft... Now I ask you again.. would you be happy? Or would you just live? Just my opinion.. Havent asked a fish how they feel about this topic. Can only imagine how i would feel.. Like I said before. Living room all day every day.....


Active Member
By the way. I like the Sail Fin tangs. They are a good tang for a beginner and they have alot of personallity. Had mine for three years now, Is he happy?? dont know but, he is alive and healthy!


Wamp, are you not assuming that the fish is not tank raised? There are many different fishes who were tank raised, and now I want you to think...
Let's say you were a fish, you were born in a little tank, let's say, a 10 gallon tank, couple of weeks later, you're transfered into a bigger tank to meet new fishes (yay new friends), couple of weeks after that they transfered you to a 10x10x10 inches cubicals. After being cramped there for weeks with other fishes, wouldn't you be happy to be transfered to a let's say 35 gallon tank, to live on your own, food always ready, when you're sick you'll be taken care of? I know I would.
It's just a different point of view of the problem <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> .


Active Member
I agree with your statment. Most fish ,in healthy tanks, live longer lives in aquariums than in the wild, But i still ask you the same question. Happy?


Active Member
I guess happy is a state of mind. I guess we will never know what makes a fish "Happy".


Yes I agree, happy is a state of mind. Your fish will be happy when you're happy, so be happy wamp and all your fishes will be happy :D :D :D .