

saltwaterfish.com shows that the blue hippo tang needs at least a 40 gal tank but i have seen conflicting info on that. i have read elsewhere that they need 100 gal tank. so would a blue hippo do okay in a 55 gal tank or do they need a larger one? are there any tangs that would be okay in a 55 gallon tank??


Saying what a fish needs in gallons is kind of skewed. Tangs need swiming room. I have heard a minimum of 5 feet in length. I am not an expert by any means, but the tangs at my lfs seem much happier in the bigger tanks.


Active Member
Hippo in a 40g tank, absolutely NO. Long tank is better than high or side tank because of the continuous swim room. I would not get a Hippo for anything shorter than 60inch tank (tiny and small size Hippo) and for medium and large, min 72 inch tank.


I had one in my 125 for a bit (gave it to a friend) it was probably around 6-7" mark. Mine really liked to move...I would go no less than 6' for a blue hippo.


Active Member
the reason its listed as 40 gallon minimum, is bc the tang will only be about 1-3 inches long when arrived. it will need a bigger tank as it grows.


ok....well my tank is 4' long. is there any kind of tang that would be happy in that size of tank or should i just stay away from tangs all together until i get a larger sized tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keish24
ok....well my tank is 4' long. is there any kind of tang that would be happy in that size of tank or should i just stay away from tangs all together until i get a larger sized tank?
Maybe a yellow...But me personally I would avoid tangs in a 4' tank

bang guy

Originally Posted by keish24
ok....well my tank is 4' long. is there any kind of tang that would be happy in that size of tank or should i just stay away from tangs all together until i get a larger sized tank?
In my opinion there is only one Tang suitable for a 4' tank, the Kole Tang.


my tank is a 4' but 55 gal. this site shows they need 90 gal. do you just go more by length then with tangs rather then gallons? what makes them have a high mortality rate??


Active Member
Originally Posted by keish24
my tank is a 4' but 55 gal. this site shows they need 90 gal. do you just go more by length then with tangs rather then gallons? what makes them have a high mortality rate??
Diet among other things...Alot of the suppliers I have talked to have told me the same thing as well as LFS that I trust...I had one before it lasted about3 months then died for no apparent reason. I suppose they have a long chain of custody(google it...To long for me to explain COC) or they are Chemically captured for the most part


Originally Posted by keish24
ok....well my tank is 4' long. is there any kind of tang that would be happy in that size of tank or should i just stay away from tangs all together until i get a larger sized tank?
You can get a very good and reliable tang for your tank size. I've had mine now for about 2-3 month.
Flame Tomini Tang
Great little fella not the biggest of tangs and not the most colourfull but eitherway I love her and she is reef safe and very friendly.
just make sure you have lots of hiding spaces for the flame tomini as mine hid for about 2days and only came out at night to eat scraps (i think it might of been stressed though)
here are some pics on google as i would take a pic of mine but i have no cam yet....

bang guy

Originally Posted by nycbob
u can start off with a small tang 1-2 inches long.
This is why Tangs have a shortened lifespan in the hobby. If a Tang is an open water swimmer then it needs space, lots of space. The current size of the Tang has nothing to do with the required swimming space. If they do not have the room then need to swim they will become stressed, become aggressive or shy or exhibit some other unusual behaviour and weaken their immune system.