tangs and butterflies


I just added 2 butterfly...raccoon and copperband, and it seems my tangs are not too happy about it..(the sailfin and yellow)..I do not have another tank (besides my horse tank) so moving the agressive one is not an option.
Will they eventually get use to each other, or do I need to try somerthing else?


it depend on the size of the tank and the amount of rockwork you have if its big enouph hopefully they get along but butterflies are pretty fragile especially the copperbandkeep up with feeding several times a day and maby you will ahve to move the rocks around so they get confused but give it a little longer and see, they might back off


Active Member
yeah, it's not uncommon for them to not get along, simmilar body shapes and such..... How big is your tank? You can try the usual tricks like partitioning off the newcomers for a bit with eggcrate until the tangs get used to them and moving the LR around so it becomes "unfammiliar territory". Remember a stressed fish is a disease monger, way more likely to break out with something like ich.
Good luck :)


haha oh well both have good info, hopefully they all settle down the four are butifull fish, i have managed to keep a copperband at work for 2 years now, doubled its size, but its only because it was cought in australia, i would never import these guys, too risky


it's a 225 gallon and I have about 175lbs of rock...made into diff caves and such on both sides. Believe me, there should be plenty of space for them. I had no idea there could be any problems...I am sorry to say I did not see any threads about this. (until now)


ok so its a big tank then thats great waht are the other tank mates, it might just be a matter of moving the rocks around-i know its annoying to have to do it but its worth it if it meens that the fish will have a better chance at surviving, good luck


well what i mean by too risky for the copperband is they dont travel well and alot of them are cought from places that are cyanide areas, australia is the only garunteed way that they are net cought, and alot of copperbandeds will eat fine even if they are sick and they might even eat and be healthy for six months or so, but they tend to die with no reason most of the time, but i hope yours will be ok
but if you got it from a lfs. of course they probably wouldnt tell you this because they just want the sale


Active Member
Great, you've got a lot of space to work with! I'd try re-aquascaping a bit and leaving the lights off for a day or so see how that works out.


What kind of tang, I have a powder blue and a ln butterfly. Both were in quaritine together with no problems but once in the dt things got nasty. I have found that next to yellows powder blues are the least tolerent.


sailfin and yellow tang...this morning they seem a little better, but the tangs are still letting hte butterflies know who owns what cave...LOL...I have a lot of coves tho, so they should be good soon...