Tangs Attempting to Mate?


Ok, this is a silly question, but I have to get some others opinions on what in the world my Sailfin Tang and Blonde Naso Tang are doing. I've always thought they were arguing, but as I really observe them, I think they're trying to .... mate?

They do the same sort of mating dance that my clowns do. The sleep in the same cave, and are ALWAYS together.
Is it possible that they're attempting to mate? I'll try to video it, but if I walk near the tank they think they're getting fed and just swarm the glass.


Active Member
It doesn't really sound like fighting behaviour, like you said, but they would not mate across genuses.
But I would still look more towards "aggression" than love.

shrimpy brains

Sounds crazy to me!! It would be awesome if you could get a video!


Originally Posted by Reeferrookie
Are they side by side slapping their tails at each other?
Nope. That's what's odd. It's not normal aggression that you see between tangs.
Originally Posted by Cranberry
It doesn't really sound like fighting behaviour, like you said, but they would not mate across genuses.
But I would still look more towards "aggression" than love.
I'm curious. I know nothing will ever come of it and that they shouldn't do this. It's very weird to watch. They even share food. My fish are weird.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
maybe one is trying to mate with the other. not both. maybe if u had two nasos or two sailfins you may have a breeding pair :)
but probably would just cause aggression.
but thatd be sweet if u did breed them. i have a feeling tang breeding is in the near future.


I know they can't actually breed, it's just very odd behavior. Behavior I expect to see from my pair of Ocellaris clowns, not a Naso and Sailfin Tang. It's not the typical aggression you usually see in tangs.

bang guy

I admit I am uneducated on Tang spawning behavior but I don't believe they form a pair bond. I was serious about the "keep your enemies closer" comment. This is a well documented form of aggression.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I admit I am uneducated on Tang spawning behavior but I don't believe they form a pair bond. I was serious about the "keep your enemies closer" comment. This is a well documented form of aggression.
Correct. It's a mass spawning event, 100's of tangs. They form loose pairs, where a male/female swim vertically to the surface, belly-belly, and with the male obviously fertilizing the female's eggs.
While I haven't kept a Sailfin, pretty sure my Naso does this too. Where he kinda "shakes" his dorsal and anal fins? My Naso and Lei Trigger are inseparable as well. If the Naso is in their cave first and the trigger comes in, the Naso will sorta shake his fins. I've taken it as a "I'm here, if you would so kindy leave, but if you must stay it's fine." I recently added an Annularis angel with the tank divided with egg crate. I removed the egg crate yesterday and the Naso was very interested in going into the Annularis' cave. He did the same move, I think it's a submission posture.


Bang Guy, I know that you're serious about the aggression. I've read many times that this can be an issue. These guys have been like this for months without actually fighting, usually by now they should have at least fought a little

They share food, and are always together and sleep in the same little cave at night. It's cute. I know it won't happen, but it would be soooo cool if they did mate! LOL