tangs in tanks smaller than 55g


just would like to see how many ppl approve it and do it or who think that it shouldnt be done personally i think its okay i have had my yellow tang for 3yrs in my 29g
if u have a tang in any smaller than 55g post type how long u have had it


Originally Posted by kidreef
just would like to see how many ppl approve it and do it or who think that it shouldnt be done personally i think its okay i have had my yellow tang for 3yrs in my 29g
if u have a tang in any smaller than 55g post type how long u have had it
Can you post a picture of your tank?


If you buy them young and trade/sell them when they are of of size (which shouldnt be long) I see no problem, but otherwise, the fish could have a number of negative reactions.


Active Member
I don't see the point of buying a fish with intention of getting rid of it. It's true, it's not the same as a cat or dog, but if you take a living creature into your care, I'm of the belief that you should intend to keep it until it dies. I don't like the idea of throwing it to the curb when it doesn't suit you anymore, where it will likely end up in the hands of someone irresponisible, who doesn't know the first thing about saltwater aquariums.
I've never had a tang, but I'm willing to trust the majority of EXPERIENCED people on this site who strongly advice against putting tangs in small tanks. In the wild they swim miles each day, so a for foot tank vs a 6 foot tank may not seem like much of a difference, but I have a 55g and I wouldn't feel comfortable with a full grown tang in there. There's simply not enough room, as most tangs grow fairly large.


Here comes the "i've never owned a tang in my life but am going to tell you about their needs" squad.
Oops, i see they have already arrived.


well i have a 55, and when i first bought the tank, i had a 6 inch hippo tang, and a 5 inch naso tang in the tank, they looked soo cool, they seemed so happy too, the naso ended up dying due to a problem that occured in the tan (deprived of oxygen), so i put the blue tang in my parents 6 foot tank, now my parents dont do water changes, or anything, so the water is not in pristene condition, the hippo was in there for about 3 months, and i saw him completely white, and floating upside down, it was once such a fat fish, and you could now see his ribs. so i put him back in my tank, 2 months later, the hlle is gone, the fish is no longer white, the fish is very fat, etc etc, so it may not be the best thing for the fish being in a 4 foot tank, but this fish got nursed back to health in my 55, so i ask you now. whats so horrible about that?

michael r

Honestly, honestly, I'm not trying to flame this thread or insult you, but I was just wondering how big your Tang was after these 3 years.
If you've seen a full grown one... well I think yours may be stunted, a lot.


Active Member
another one of these threads... no it isn't healthy. I dont care if you have had him for 12 years it just isn't ideal. A tang can grow to be about half the length of your tank. Tangs are also very territorial so taking a tang from a tank when it outgrows it isnt healthy either. If you can't provide adequate housing for the animal's entire life don't buy it. These threads only spread the ideas that it is okay because others have done it. Read any book written by a marine biologist and they will tell you it isn't right. Until somebody with that level of education says otherwise... these threads are useless.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
well i have a 55, and when i first bought the tank, i had a 6 inch hippo tang, and a 5 inch naso tang in the tank, they looked soo cool, they seemed so happy too, the naso ended up dying due to a problem that occured in the tan (deprived of oxygen), so i put the blue tang in my parents 6 foot tank, now my parents dont do water changes, or anything, so the water is not in pristene condition, the hippo was in there for about 3 months, and i saw him completely white, and floating upside down, it was once such a fat fish, and you could now see his ribs. so i put him back in my tank, 2 months later, the hlle is gone, the fish is no longer white, the fish is very fat, etc etc, so it may not be the best thing for the fish being in a 4 foot tank, but this fish got nursed back to health in my 55, so i ask you now. whats so horrible about that?
Its horrible that the fish will grow so large it can't turn around. And its terrible that you are preaching improper techniques to people who are ignorant enough to listen.


Active Member
Tangs swim a ton, birth to death. Yes smaller ones are shorter, so technically they will still have more swimming room, but still tangs NEED room to swim. Yes yellow tangs can be kept in small tanks, will they ever thrive? no, will they ever live to their full potential? no, will they live shorter lives? yes


yeah i got it 2nd month of having my aquarium in 5th grade so i didnt know much and i wanted it and i saw others with it in their tanks so i thought it was okay but after having it i realize its really active and eats a ton


I've had my blue regal tang in my 55 G for over a year now. He's fine except when he gets chased by my trigger. I used to have a yellow tang who would kick the crap out of my trigger.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
Theres no more fish stores in your area? No local reefers that might want it?
no and no i dont

ric maniac

Active Member
ok, first of all this is very irresponsible. i hate how people have the mindset of "well they can swim so they are ok". if you have any respect for the creature you will give it 6ft of swimming room! if you can't provide the proper home for the tang don't even give it a thought. this is cruel. and why do you still have it if you relize it is irresponsible. im sorry if i seem rude but how can you do this?