

Hmm, i thought we were gonna go with 2 eels, two tangs, the lion and sumthing else. 3 tangs is a bit large for a 125 s right. Its a 125 btw. Id say drop in a smaller angel...


but daman said it was too small for a naso tang and the atlantic as aggresive you think we could fit a angel?


Dont ever take daman seriously, he doesnt know anything. He knows a little, but not much more than that. Yer tank is fine for a naso for a couple years, and i would say only two tangs, and an angel and then yer other fish.


sweet, thats some great information. Did anyone ever tell u it takes a tang about 4-6 years to attain its full growth, or did u leave that one out?


The clown trigger and lion have been together a little over 3 years and the trigger has never touched the lion.Most people have problems with this combo. As far as the PBT being difficult this guy has been healthy since day one and eats ANYTHING that falls in the tank. My tangs love the silversides I feed the lion,trigger and SFE.. I know naso tangs get very big but I bought him at 5" in 1996 and he is now only 8"..


so would a:
atlantic blue tang
gold rim tang
naso tang
emperor angel
powder blue tang
volitan lion
and a chain eel work? in a 125 gallon


With lots of LR and a big wetdry plus a big skimmer yes.That is pretty much the bioload Ive been running for several years with no problems.I would problably leave one of the first two tangs out . Ive got the naso ,PBT,lion ,SFE ,Clown trigger and a butterfly so it is possible. I have several pics. in the aggressive forum of this 9 year old tank.