

Active Member
i wonder why this is such a debated thing on these boards. seems so hard to tell someone not to get a surgeonfish in a small tank.


Active Member
I had a Kole in my 92 corner for about 2 weeks then I got feeling bad that I prolly didnt have the swimming room so I took it back and got a new clam...I cant wait until I can get the 125 up and running that I am going to pick up this weekend from Frantic
...That way I can feel comfy housing 1 tang..prolly an Achilles (sp?)


Active Member
I have a Kole tang in a 90 gallon and he does fine. He is grazing on algea all the time and is healthy. I see no problems with the smaller tangs in a 72 or larger tank even when they are full grown. In fact many on this board gave me that advice when I was stocking the tank.
I have a hawaiian trigger, Kole tang, coral beauty, maroon clown, and diamond goby in a 90 and they are not over crowded.


the author is Fenner. I would post the book's title, but I know this forum has lots of rules about stuff like that.


I've got a Naso Tang in my 125- after having seen how active he is, and how large they get grown up I wouldnt personally put another in there unless I had a little more room. Very very active swimmer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
You must mean "The Contientious Marine Aquarist" I believe this site sells the book.
from what ive heard he grossly undersizes tank sizes for fish like tangs and sharks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Why are tangs popular and in the trade constant huh?
becuz vendors sell them not teaching ppl y they need such big tanks just so they can make some money


Wow do you even know that NO ONE follows the rule.They are the most popular fish and I believe that just as much as the 5-gallon per incha fish rule.
Get the point?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Wow do you even know that NO ONE follows the rule.They are the most popular fish and I believe that just as much as the 5-gallon per incha fish rule.
Get the point?
seriously dude, tangs NEED the 6ft, and plenty of ppl do, look in this threads posts, plenty of ppl do


TANGS NEED 6FT OR LONGER! NUFF SAID! NO DEBATE! IT JUST ISN'T TRUE THAT TANGS GO IN ANYTHING ELSE BUT 6FT OR LONGER! There are many reasons and other things i could post but i just want to get this on the table


Active Member
prob is he says to newbies "oh yea, u can put tangs in 26gals" and crap like that, tryin to set him straight, sides im 13, its ok for me


perviously stated " tangs need 6ft of swiming room! "
ok is that for a full size or does that even apply to a baby thats like barley an inch long b/c that 6 ft to a barley 1 inch fish is a hole heck of alot more room for then then A 8in tang in a 6 ft tank! w/e just wondering b/c every where i read! tangs need100000000000000000000 ft of swimming room! and then that is follwed by someone gettin
lol i just find it funny sometimes! o well i'm a nano and i'm not gonna have tangs i'm gonna get a 12in parrot fish! lol