

Ok I was hopin to stay out of this debate but I can't take it anymore. Sharkboy, I'm with ya 100% on this one! Tangs need 6 feet of swim room minimum no matter what. I don't care if its a half inch little baby. Eventually that little Sailfin Tang is gonna be 15 inches long. And yeah maybe you people say you're "gonna upgrade in 2 months" but oh shoot your car's transmission quit on you and now you don't have the money for a new tank. Guess the tang is gonna have to wait for his new home. I love tangs and if I could I would have a tank full of every single one of them. Problem is I simply can't and there are very few people who can. You have a 55, 75, or 90 DON'T GET TANGS!!! Its just plain cruel. I think a 125 is even pushin it sometimes. I have a 210 and sometimes while sitting there watching my Clown Tang buzz back and forth I start to feel pretty bad. In conclusion, unless you have a 6 foot tank up and running and its been running for atleast 6 months or so with a good amount of rock and algae DON'T GET TANGS! I don't care what your excuses are, don't get a tang. I was at work today and a lady came in asking for a Sailfin. They weren't on the availibility list for the last order so I couldn't get any in for her. I started asking her the usual questions like tank size, tank mates, etc. She tells me she has a 55 gallon with a Naso and a Yellow and here she is asking me for a Sailfin!!!
I really overreacted and almost kinda yelled at her lol. I told her to get those fish out and I even offered to take them in for her (We'd put them in our 10 foot long display tank). She got mad and left... I guess I scared away a customer lol. Shhhh don't tell my boss
I'm sorry I had to post like this but I see this kind of thing at work nearly every day and I'm just sick and tired of it. I just had to vent some steam. Thanks, Matt


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
Ok I was hopin to stay out of this debate but I can't take it anymore. Sharkboy, I'm with ya 100% on this one! Tangs need 6 feet of swim room minimum no matter what. I don't care if its a half inch little baby. Eventually that little Sailfin Tang is gonna be 15 inches long. And yeah maybe you people say you're "gonna upgrade in 2 months" but oh shoot your car's transmission quit on you and now you don't have the money for a new tank. Guess the tang is gonna have to wait for his new home. I love tangs and if I could I would have a tank full of every single one of them. Problem is I simply can't and there are very few people who can. You have a 55, 75, or 90 DON'T GET TANGS!!! Its just plain cruel. I think a 125 is even pushin it sometimes. I have a 210 and sometimes while sitting there watching my Clown Tang buzz back and forth I start to feel pretty bad. In conclusion, unless you have a 6 foot tank up and running and its been running for atleast 6 months or so with a good amount of rock and algae DON'T GET TANGS! I don't care what your excuses are, don't get a tang. I was at work today and a lady came in asking for a Sailfin. They weren't on the availibility list for the last order so I couldn't get any in for her. I started asking her the usual questions like tank size, tank mates, etc. She tells me she has a 55 gallon with a Naso and a Yellow and here she is asking me for a Sailfin!!!
I really overreacted and almost kinda yelled at her lol. I told her to get those fish out and I even offered to take them in for her (We'd put them in our 10 foot long display tank). She got mad and left... I guess I scared away a customer lol. Shhhh don't tell my boss
I'm sorry I had to post like this but I see this kind of thing at work nearly every day and I'm just sick and tired of it. I just had to vent some steam. Thanks, Matt
Agreed...I dont see why this is such an issue...not really an issue should be pretty cut and dry...I cant wait until I get my 125 this weekend..(YAY!! :cheer: ) so when it gets ready I can wait until I am comfy adding a tang...I could always get it and add it to my 92 while the other tank is coming along, but like said...whos knows what will happen and the tank might not get off the ground fast enough for me...and I will have a tang stuck in a tank that is way to small for it...get stressed and croak..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Agreed...I dont see why this is such an issue...not really an issue should be pretty cut and dry...I cant wait until I get my 125 this weekend..(YAY!! :cheer: ) so when it gets ready I can wait until I am comfy adding a tang...I could always get it and add it to my 92 while the other tank is coming along, but like said...whos knows what will happen and the tank might not get off the ground fast enough for me...and I will have a tang stuck in a tank that is way to small for it...get stressed and croak..
see seattle? ppl do follow this rule


Ok in conclusion..... can we please agree that tangs need a 6ft or longer tank there WHOLE life, beggining to end?

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
Ok in conclusion..... can we please agree that tangs need a 6ft or longer tank there WHOLE life, beggining to end?
Absolutely not.
I someone happened to have a 55 or 75 set up and also had a larger (125 +) tank set up then it is perfectly acceptable to keep a juvenile tang in the smaller tank before moving it to the larger tank.
Also, I firmly believe that a Kole will be fine in a 55-75 gallon tank.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
Absolutely not.
I someone happened to have a 55 or 75 set up and also had a larger (125 +) tank set up then it is perfectly acceptable to keep a juvenile tang in the smaller tank before moving it to the larger tank.
hmmm.... i suppose but only if ALL the tanks are able to handle a tang at ALL times... then i would agree. none of this "im upgrading in 2 months" crap.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
Absolutely not.
I someone happened to have a 55 or 75 set up and also had a larger (125 +) tank set up then it is perfectly acceptable to keep a juvenile tang in the smaller tank before moving it to the larger tank.
Also, I firmly believe that a Kole will be fine in a 55-75 gallon tank.
I agree with you that if you already have a larger tank that is "Tang Ready" running than you can keep a Juvi in a smaller tank. But like I said earlier don't get a Tang and then plan on upgrading. You never know what might happen in your life. Broken car, medical bills, ya never know. As far as the Kole goes thats the one Tang that I view as an exception to the rule.


Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
hmmm.... i suppose but only if ALL the tanks are able to handle a tang at ALL times... then i would agree. none of this "im upgrading in 2 months" crap.


Originally Posted by Reefboys
I agree with you that if you already have a larger tank that is "Tang Ready" running than you can keep a Juvi in a smaller tank. But like I said earlier don't get a Tang and then plan on upgrading. You never know what might happen in your life. Broken car, medical bills, ya never know. As far as the Kole goes thats the one Tang that I view as an exception to the rule.
I agree. Unforseen things DO happen whether you think so or not. Also I agree with the kole as the sole (sp) exception to this rule.


Ok let's try this again:
in conclusion..... can we please agree that tangs need a 6ft or longer tank there WHOLE life, beggining to end? Unless there a kole or you have a 6ft or longer tank ready for them at ALL times


Active Member
is a kole the only one for 75, no others? at first its no tangs now its a kole. i always thought 6ft or longer for any tang.

tx reef

Active Member
Kole tangs do well in 75 gallon tanks and have even been kept in 55 gallon tanks long term. They are not as active swimmers as other tangs and do not get very large (as far as tangs go).


Compared to most Tangs they stay relatively small and they are not nearly as big of swimmers as others.


i agree tangs should be in a 6ft or longer tank there intire life! o wait except when you fish store owners get them in and make them chill in little A&& tanks that might be a foot long w/ 5 of them in there and dont say that one store is bad i'm sure all do it ! so how about you guys start to arguee about that! this whole thrread is like being first in the retard olympics ! in the end your still a retard! you can yell scream moan and groan all day on here in the end there gonna put a tang ina 29 55 75 90 or what ever the heck they want to put it in and then ask why it died!
i said my peice and i wont be posting about this anymore! hope i didnt piss all of you off! if i did o well !


Just do whatever you want is my motto. It is such a heated debate. What a waste of energy. I have had Tangs in a 75 and they have been doing well for 2 years. Buy Small. That tang in the wild would have probably perished by now.