

I would not put a blue hippo in a 90G......You can put a yellow in one, but watch what else you put in there
PERSONALLY (so my opinion) I wouldn;t keep either in them in anything under a 150G


Originally Posted by meowzer
I would not put a blue hippo in a 90G......You can put a yellow in one, but watch what else you put in there
PERSONALLY (so my opinion) I wouldn;t keep either in them in anything under a 150G
+1 A Hippo Tang does not belong in anything less than a 125. They really need a 6ft long tang and plenty of swimming room. They're also a huge stress to the bioload of your system.


Its always tough to decide. Introduce them at the same time, lights off, man, its just tough. If you do not have a ton of fish in your tank, you might be ok, but there are good people here with better answers than I can give.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bowser220
Would a Naso tang and yellow do well?
Honestly the yellow alone is pushing it. Tangs are the cows of the reef; they move around grazing continuously. Put two tangs into a smaller tank and they will be competing for algae and territory. Even if you did feed them algae sheets regularly I would still be concerned with aggression.
A smaller bristle-toothed tang like the Kole or Tomini would be a better choice, but still I would not add any other tangs.


Originally Posted by meowzer
I would not put a blue hippo in a 90G......You can put a yellow in one, but watch what else you put in there
PERSONALLY (so my opinion) I wouldn;t keep either in them in anything under a 150G
Ruh-Roh Raggy. I have a yellow and a blue hippo in my 125g. Where can I buy a tank stretcher? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by bowser220
Would a Naso tang and yellow do well?
The Naso would be a worse choice then the Hippo...
90gal is an one tang tank, and very few tangs fit into a 90gal. Stick with just the yellow.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
The Naso would be a worse choice then the Hippo...
90gal is an one tang tank, and very few tangs fit into a 90gal. Stick with just the yellow.
+1 A Naso would be a disaster. I have a juvenile Naso in my 155, and if I could catch him, he'd be out.
Yellow Tang, Kole, Tomini, Convict, those are basically the only tangs that can go in a 90, and ONLY 1 can go in.
The Yellow Tang is probably the most aggressive, so if you're set on the yellow, make it one of your last additions and choose your stock list wisely. Keep in mind that tangs are a large stress to the bioload of the tank as well so stock lightly.
You may want to consider a smaller, more peaceful tang such as the Kole and a Dwarf Angel with lots of color.


New Member
Okay I have a yellow tang in my 30 gal he is real small right now but I also have 2 yellow tail damsels 2 green cromis 1 pj cardnell 1 maroon clown 1 lawnmower blennie and after reading everyone's statements I shouldn't put anymore fish in my 30 gal because of the tang