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The Naso would be a worse choice then the Hippo...
90gal is an one tang tank, and very few tangs fit into a 90gal. Stick with just the yellow.
+1 A Naso would be a disaster. I have a juvenile Naso in my 155, and if I could catch him, he'd be out.
Yellow Tang, Kole, Tomini, Convict, those are basically the only tangs that can go in a 90, and ONLY 1 can go in.
The Yellow Tang is probably the most aggressive, so if you're set on the yellow, make it one of your last additions and choose your stock list wisely. Keep in mind that tangs are a large stress to the bioload of the tank as well so stock lightly.
You may want to consider a smaller, more peaceful tang such as the Kole and a Dwarf Angel with lots of color.