

I see alot of discussion about tanks being to small to keep tangs. Are their any tangs people feel can comfortably live in a 55 reef. If so what kind? If not are their any similiar type species people have that they like or might suggest. Curious for future refrence. Thanks


Active Member
OK...let me see if I can start a tang war. :D
No, in my opinion, you should not put any tang in a 55 (or anything less than 6ft. long).
How about a dwarf angel?


Active Member
Not a war... just a slight difference in opinion. I think a tang would be ok in a tank less than 6 feet long, as long as the tank in question is at least 75-100 gallons with plenty of open swimming room. Just my opinion though... :D


I think you just need to be smart about it, make sure you buy a really small one and watch him grow and enjoy. Use common sense and you should know when to trade him in for another one. But they do need alot of room to swim, so make sure you hunt for a real small one..........


kole and yellows will do ok in a 55 minimum sized tank. The rest get too big and... You have to remember where tangs come from. Many of them are from the upper more turbulent areas of the reef. They live in high current and enjoy massive amounts of swimming room for their bursts of speed. It is length over width which is important to give them sprinting space. Also most tangs are incredibly weak and suffer from stress faster than most other fish, an easy way to stress out a fish is to cramp it up. This does not even take the bio-load issues into account. A yellow and kole stay relatively small(around 7 inches) any of the blues are in the 12 inch+ range and the naso tangs, the true open water high speed sprnters get even bigger and need a much larger tank than even the blues. Blue tangs (all three) need at least a 100 gallon + tank). Purples are somewhere in the middle around a 75.


I was looking into getting a regal for my 55 i have the long retangler still tank. would that be longenough about 4 to 5 feet


Active Member

Originally posted by Kdwinn357
I was looking into getting a regal for my 55 i have the long retangler still tank. would that be longenough about 4 to 5 feet

I wouldn't. Regals get 10-12 inches and are particularly prone to stress and ich. They really need a tank of at least 100 gallons.


Active Member

Originally posted by SquishyFish
I wont mention that I had one in a 37 w/ 50lbs of LR..but that was along time ago before I knew better

Oh... don't remind me of that tank. I think back on things we did then and just shudder. I wish we had found this board back then...


Thats my opinion but i wouldnt put any tang under 100 gal empty tank or a 200gal reef tank, thats just i dont like fish which are just swimming from one side of the tank to another. Also tangs dont grow in small tanks there are 1000s of examples of this.


I had a YT in a 55 for a few years and he was unhappy so I did the right thing and gave him away. He is very happy now in my friends 190 and has gotten huge. IMO if you want tangs get at least a 100g.


Yes I too am making a mistake. I have a YT in a 55, shamefully, ith a small Huma Huma. Thanks to the wonderful LFS info I made the purchases. Then I found this site. My only saving grace is that they are both young, and small. My tank has been up for 8 months and all the params are good. So while my freinds 150 gallon tank with 100LBS of LR is cycling I am keeping the YT. But when his is ready and up for a few months, He is getting my YT. He seems happy now, but I don't want to wait for him to get un happy.