tank bread


I was wondering if there is any real big differences b/w tank bread and wild fish and what they might be.


Just taking a WAG, but tank-bred fish are, from birth, accustomed to being in a closed environment, and being fed. They're not plucked out of the huge ocean environment, living and feeding how they evolved to do. There's undoubtedly a much shorter time from the supply facility to the retailer, a whole lot less stress.
Wild caught fish sometimes have to travel halfway around the world, in a very short time, and probably ocassionally done by people who may not have the highest regard for the fish's health and wellbeing . . . I would imagine that wild fish suppliers have a standard, acceptable die-off percentage, so they're essentially figuring on some of their stock not surviving shipping from the ocean to the customers.
I have heard that there's sometimes some physiological differences, such as in coloring between captive-bred and wild.
There's also the issue of the negative impact that unregulated (and sometimes by using unscrupulous methods such as cyanide) harvesting of wild fish on the reef environment have.

bang guy

In my opinion the biggest obvious difference is disease. For Banggai Cardinal fish one of my LFSs was experiencing 50 - 100% die-off on wild caught Banggai and the die-off rate for Captive bred has been 0%. That's a significant difference.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i know wild caught tend to be brighter and have more colors, i know its that way for clowns, just look on SWF fish and look at a fish aquascaped, and wild caught, they charge more for wild due to the color difference


Active Member
IMHO, tank bred, raised, reared, cultured, whatever, always better than wild caught. The owner of the livestock warehouse I worked for took a trip to the Philippines and went out with some commercial ornamental fisherman. He taped the whole process and showed us. It wasn't pretty. Almost all the women cried and one of them actually threw up.


Active Member
another thing i have notice, like in ocellarises is there size at full growth and what bang said is disease. the size thing is only imo, i would like to test it out one day