Tank looking bad!!!


My tank is really looking crappy. I am having problems with bubble algae and other algaes. My water perameters are all great trate 0 trite 0 salt 25 amon 0. I have been using tap water since the beginning and now that i have MH lights the algea just keeps getting worse for the past 4 months. I am getting a RODI soon. I know i have not been over feeding i feed everyother day. Any advise would be helpful, because i am a natural idiot.


Active Member
wow i guess you do have a algea problem. how long do you leave your lights on for? do you test for phosphates?


i leave the lights on for aroun 11 hours maybe a bit much.I do test for phosphates but it never seems to show any probably a new test would help also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
im suggesting entering this in the uglyist tank contest, you WILL win a 100$ order.
Your tests are probably right. Your excess nutrients (Nitrates and Phosphates) are being used up as fast as they enter, i.e. more algae so there is nothing free in the water to detect (but trust me you have too much).
Get the RODI, water changes after that. Cut the lights to maybe 8 hours, Skim like mad and hang in there. And enter that contest. You are a sure thing. (Every cloud has a silver lining).


Active Member
Originally Posted by fender
Your tests are probably right. Your excess nutrients (Nitrates and Phosphates) are being used up as fast as they enter, i.e. more algae so there is nothing free in the water to detect (but trust me you have too much).
Get the RODI, water changes after that. Cut the lights to maybe 8 hours, Skim like mad and hang in there. And enter that contest. You are a sure thing. (Every cloud has a silver lining).
I do agree with fender in switching to RO water changes...that'll make a world of difference. I would actually cut the light back to 6 hours a day though and eventually work back up to 7 or 8 AFTER the algae is gone.
Also, don't expect results overnight. I fought with a green hair algae problem for months and months and finally won.
Another question, what kind of salt do you use? And what are you feeding your fish...you do have fish, right? Some foods are high in phosphates, check the ingredients and change that if you possibly can.
Best of luck to you. I know that you can beat it, just give it time.
Lisa :happyfish


Thanks, i put a picture in for the contest. i dont know what i would need i just got forty hermits 3 emeralds and snails.what am i saying there can never be enough cleanup crew.


Active Member
Cut your lights back to 4-6 hours at the most. This should cut down on some of the algae. Yea I second the ugliest tank sorry, but I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the picture!


I was hoping to win the ugly tank contest based on the lack of stuff in my tank - but now I wish you the best of luck - I certainly do not deserve to win.


New Member
tap water for sure is your problem. That is why you are getting that nasty brown algae. Switch over to RO and you should be fine.


yeah it brown. it clears up at knight, i set my light for 5 hrs, i have 2 powerheads they run 555gph on a 46 gal. do i need more or stronger powerheads to help?