Tank looking bad!!!

el bob

yep, u need RO water, also cut back lighting, get a lawnmower blenny, more clean up crew, maybe possibly a UV steralizer (maybe), then you should be ok in like a month or so


If I am wrong forgive me I am a newbie, But imo your lighting appears to be on to long and maybe to close, I would do a water change and then stick to R/O water. My local grocery store sells it for like .85 cents per gallon. I was using tap water and was having similar results as you. I did a 20% water change per my lfs advice and add about a gallon of R/O every other day. I also do 5 gallon water changes per week. (I have a 55g). My water is crystal clear and any buildup I may get my Mexican turbos cleanup by morning. Good luck. I hope I could help................


yeah i thought it might be a little low, will have to fix it. What kinds of filter media are good other than carbon?


Active Member
WHOH that is a garden of algea! Have you considered a weedeater?
definately should stick that pic in the ugliest tank contest.
Do you have any fish in there? I think you would be well served getting that RO/DI unit, alot of snails and a few hermits. a UV filter and stuff wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Active Member
:hilarious naw like the one you wack weeds with in your yard. It was a joke about how much algea was in your tank. But hey I didn't see your tank in the ugliest take contest. Maybe I just missed it. I'm glad tho maybe mine will win.


I am running a marine land hot magnum hang on filter, should i use a different or better kind? if yes are there any good recomendations?


Active Member
Maintenance -- The tank needs routine maintenance, start by topping it off.... If your N03 lvls are zero, I'd get a new test kit straight away


Active Member
Originally Posted by foundanemo
do i top off everyday?

What do you evap a day - how much water does it take to fill the tank back up from the picture above, 4 gallons? It a 46 bow right.
Figure out what it evaps and try to top it off daily. Just don't let it get that low before you top off. And top-off before you do water changes, you will have a better chance at keeping your SG consistent.
As everyone said RO, do routine water changes, limit lights, and monitor what you are putting in the tank food/additives ect. Start somehwere there's no magic cure.
I am still fighting it in my little over a 1 year old tank and my other mature tank is fine, they share the same sump/system water. Lighting and in tank flow are the primary differences. It's gotten better with a switch from 10k to 20k MH but, a few of my coal are suffering from the transition of spectrum.
Do some routine maintenance and things may improve somewhat over time.
Some folks are lucky to keep the NO3 at zero. I never have been able to, I get very close but not an absolute zero with the Salifert kit


ok here is an update, my lights have only been on for about 4 and a half hours a day, almost all the algae is gone. Bought the typhoon III RODI, levels were getting high from dieing algae so moved all the fish. Tank is almost clear as a bell, i will have to post a pic when i take one. Thanks for all the help everyone.


i think the ocean water in new jersey is more clear than your tank... hahaha


Ok another update for everyone to laugh about. I still got the lights going the same amount of time around 5 hours. I raised them off the tank about 7 inches. The RODI water is great is crystal clear. my levels are getting back to normal and my clean-up crew seems happy they even ate my my orange derasa clam one night when they moon lights got unplugged. they critters that i have are blue and red legged crabs a few narssarius snails and 2 conchs. I was wondering what eats the hair algae, because nothing else seems to want to eat it.I have the pics to post so enjoy :(


Active Member
You deserve a round of applause for that clean up job. Just don't slack now and keep up the water changes but that tank looks great for a only a month difference.