Tank Mates?????????????


Active Member
I have some snails a scarlet cleaner shrimp and a bangaii cardinal I wanted to know what some good tank mates are for them and my reef the damsel is currently out of my tank for harassing my bangaii lol
Any Ideas would be apperciated


New Member
I have had good luck with Sailfin Tang and Gobies with a community tank. I have a 150 Gallon Reef tank.
150 to 200 Lbs. of live rock
1 Sally lightfoot Crab
2 Emerald Crabs
25 Blue Legs
3 Sand sifting star fish
1 Percula Clownfish
1 Convict Blenny
1 Scooter Dragonet
1 Eibl's Angelfish
1 Pinkspotted Shrimp Goby
1 Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
Watch out for adding 2 Tangs in the same aquarium
I have been lucky to have 2 tangs that get along
If you try to add 2 tangs do it at the same time

bang guy

I don't suggest any Tang, especially a Sailfin.
Gobies sound like a great idea though. Perhaps a Royal Gramma too. A pair of Clownfish might also work well.


I currently have two percs, 3 green chromis and have not had any problems. If anything the Banggai are the one doing the harrassing. They all get along really well. I would also recommend maybe some firfish gobies and/or a royal gramma.