Thanks for all teh comments and compliments-- and to answer the questions....
the seahorse is a "spotted seahorse" scientific name "hippocampus kuda". They are kinda of rare in the wild, due to people taking them for aquariums, and also as the asian countries cath them for their 'medicinal' properties. they are however, the more common in the reef hobby, as they are more commonly tank raised, and easier to keep then some other species. Mine is tank raised. For thoses wanting to keep seahorses, please keep in mind, they are not really easy to keep, and the reef is not always the best place for them. I have a unique reef, in that although i have about 800-1000 GPH in my 55, i have quite a few 'calm' spots that the seahorse can hang out in.
As for the feeding schedule, i feed once a day, usually in the evening- i alternate frozen brine and frozen mysis shrimp. i also feed with DTs plankton, either daily, or every other day, depending on how tired i am when i feed the fish
(having a 6 month old daughter is a full time job!
) As for supplements-- i use Kent Tech-I about 2 times a week, Kent superbuffer dKH once a day in the morning (when im not running late for work), and I use "reef complete" by seachem for calcium. I do water changes about once every 2 weeks (try to do it every week, but that NEVER happens...) and every other water change i out in a small filter bag of coralife activated coconut carbon. I make up evaporated water when i notice the level is a little low, which is probably my worst reef keeping habit. Also, when i do water changes, I sometimes use a toothbrush and scrape any hair algae that has accumulated. (water changes are with RO/DI water with coralife salt). I keep my salinity at about 1.024-1.026, which may seem a little high by everyone elses standards, but when I was keeping it lower, I was not getting as much coraline algae growth. One thing I have learned in this hobby, is that you can read and read and read but then you find your own things that work. I also have learned that following a formula that someone else has amazing succes with does not always work for you. (this is my way of issuing a disclaimer-- my way is not nesecarily the 'right' way) oh- i also leave my lights on from 1:30pm to 11:00 pm.
I havea 55 in the basement as well, with 150 pounds of southdown DSB and 200 pounds of live rock- 2 40 watt NO bulbs-- have som culepera as well. this is eventually going ot serve as my refugium for the main tank, and am just waiting for the cash to connect the 2.
I think i covered it all, any more questions, feel free to ask, i may be upgrading my computer this weekend, so i may not be back on till monday....