Thought I'd give a bigger update...
Current Stocking
- 2 Ocellaris Clowns (2" and 2.25")
- 1 Six Line Wrasse (1.5")
- 1 Tail Spot Blenny (1.5")
- 1 Royal Gramma (1.75")
Seemed to me that I might have been adding fish too quickly, but I waited 10 days between the clowns and the wrasse/blenny and waited another 8 days between the wrasse/blenny and the gramma. So far, no spikes in ammonia or nitrite (both at 0 since initial cycle finished) and I've been able to keep nitrates below 10ppm with 3-4 gallons water changes every 4-5 days.
I'll likely keep the stocking list I have for a few months before I add anything else. Next (and last) addition will likely be a Coral Beauty Angel and will probably put me at my limit.
Also, I'm going to try to see if I can get the GF to get me a skimmer for Christmas so I can save some money.
Thoughts? Concerns?