Tank size question


Turningtim, just found out the 225 isnt what i thought. Thought it had euro bracing but doesnt. Having a really hard time finding anyone who has or can make a 72x30x24 glass much less with eurobracing :mad: I dont think there is any way im gonna be able to find one or order one by my b-day on saturday, what a bummer


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Turningtim, just found out the 225 isnt what i thought. Thought it had euro bracing but doesnt. Having a really hard time finding anyone who has or can make a 72x30x24 glass much less with eurobracing :mad: I dont think there is any way im gonna be able to find one or order one by my b-day on saturday, what a bummer

Did you check out Glass cages? I think they're down your way, well at least in the south......


Thanks for the tip turningtim
Just spoke to glass cages and they can make the tank i want for a good price. Only 1 drawback, to ship is over $500(thats including stand), or i can wait until july 9 and drive 3 hours to orlando to pick it up but even that will cost about $200. They look like the best choice right now. Did i read a thread on here saying never buy from them????
Any other suggestions to buy a tank at?


Also, i need to figure out if i want a closed loop, they said to go with 2 overflows, 1 1/2" each with 1500 gph flow. They said not to go with a closed loop though. I want a reef, do i need a closed loop with those overflows. If not, whats my best option?


Active Member
Wow! Really? In my reading/research here and on other boards that is the first time that I've heard anything bad about Glasscages. Any reason why?
Remember you are the customer and they will do what you want. I strongly suggest taking a look at plumbing 101 thread. It will take you through the process of building a custom set-up and the reason why.
You have to remember that if you are going this route (which I totally agree with) that the system has to be taken as a whole and you should know exactly what the plan is before you do anything. Your flow calcs', OF sizes, pump selection, sump/fuge size will reflect on the tank itself. You will be spending A LOT of cash on this, don't fool yourself in any way. So its your money your tank get what you think is best. There are many different ways to do reef tanks, its your choice.
squidd is the man around these parts and I have based my new 120 on that plumbing 101 thread. This is not something that you should take lightly or will will get into the "I should have done this or that"
I know its tough b/c its something that you have decided to do and you want to get it NOW but really take your time and do it right. When its done and you look at it you will be more than happy with the acomplishment.

I have been working on mine for the better part of 4 monthes now and still don't have the tank put together.


The thread on here about glasscages says that their tank started leaking and they wouldnt do anything about it. They only have a 90 day warranty which worries me, why only 90 days if you believe in your prodect. Also, its really no warranty because they dont deliver to your house, you have to get it which means if there is any problem they can blame it on your pickup, not their tank. This is getting discouraging!!!!!
As for plumbing, ive read the squidd 101 thread but i still have a million questions about sump and fuge size, design, etc. Not to mention the whole closed loop issue. VERY overwhelming!!!!


Active Member
If I recall, they don't warranty anything unless you use their stand, I could be wrong! I also would question that any tank manufacturer will warranty their product unless they pretty much supply everything and set it up themselves. There certain ways (tried and true) for setting up a stand and tank. So I would have to hear or see that the tank was setup,transported, leveled properly before I would just blame the tank itself. Things just don't break! Its usually user error! You have to remember that you are talking about a lot of weight (approx 8lbs per gallon) and if not properly set-up the tank will rack and break a seal. I have set-up and taken down quite a few tanks. I always er on the side of caution. Is it overkill and can it be done easier? I'm sure it can but I've haven't lost one yet tank or livestock.......
Yes it is very overwhelming. As far as numbers gp I can help you there and maybe squidd could check it out and give his advise it you choose to go that route. On the other hand Murph has a fantastic set-up also. Not nessasarily the way I would do it but just the same its wonderful.
You have the tank size, now you need to get the stand size and what you can get under there comfortably.
I would ask any tank builder what they suggest as far as transport and set-up and go from there......
Again the CL and genral flow will come from the decisions you make on what you want to keep and the possibility of up gradeing later.......
Step by step. Start writing things down, make a list, take notes, ask questions.....


If i get the 225g, i want alot of lps, a few sps and maybe a clam or 2. Would you suggest a closed loop for that or something else? the thing i dont understand about the closed loop is once the holes are drilled thats where the flow comes out obviously, so i have to arrange my aquascaping around those holes and set up my corals accordingly?? Maybe im missing something but that seems difficult for me especially comsidering im always rearranging rocks and corals.


Active Member
Eurobracing on a correctly designed and built tank can be done without using center cross braces.....It was done on my 240, but what had to be done was the eurobracing had to be wider than normally done.......
With the 30" depth it's harder to light, than the depth of 24".......Neither is really a problem to light IMO, but that is the biggest draw back to the dimensions. I would seriously opt for T5's over PC's though.......You'll get more out of the T5's then the PC's


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
I have been working on mine for the better part of 4 monthes now and still don't have the tank put together.
Hey Sufunk, To give you an idea of how much work goes into setting up a tank the way "you" want it, 9 months of research for me. I purchased the tank and it took me another 3 months on top of that, but it is the way I want it.....

I went with a 215 - 72.5"L x 24.5"D x 29"H
I wanted more water volume since I am new to SW...

Good luck and do that research.... :thinking:


yeah, i think im giving up

Just too much in too little time with noone to really help. Its just really aggravating because i wasnt going to get it for a while but my wife and parents told me last week that they were going to help buy me the big tank ive been dreaming of for my birthday saturday and to pick it out. It really got me excited to get it and have the huge system i wanted. oh well, Looks like the same old crappy shirts i dont like for my birthday again this year :joy:


Active Member
Why don't you go to the store and pick everything out and then do your research and then have the tank delivered in a few months. The only real decision you have to make about the tank is overflows. Not all that hard to figure out. Then work on the plum later on.....
Trade in those crappy shirts, get your dream tank and be done with it


Active Member
I think you're making this a little harder than it needs to be. Take a deep breath and don't get the shirts and be disapointed. There are a lot of ways of getting to where you want togo. But you and only you can make that decision. Nobody here is going to tell you what you need or want to do. The tank builders are always going to tell you theirs is better but agin you're the customer and its your choice. If they don't want to do it your way than I guess they don't want/need your money.
I doubt very much that you will find anybodies tank or ways of doing things exactly the same. But yet how many fantastic tanks do you see. My opinions are just that opinions and I like to do things a more natural approach with a sump/fuge system w/o mechanical filtration. Why b/c it makes sense to me. Others do it other ways and I respect everyone on here and their opinions. I just happened to start SW and happened along squidds' plumbing 101 and I have adopted that way of doing things. Trust me my LFS thinks I'm nuts but somehow they don't turn down my frags.....
So start with the tank. I prefer a center OF with the returns on the corners but that may restrict a CL system. So lets say 2 OFs and divid the back into three. This will allow the returns in the corners and will still accomoadte a CL if thats needed. Now you want SPS and that takes flow and I doubt you will get all of that out of the sump, so go with a CL to supliment flow for the criiters you want.
Lets just say that you go with a 225 and you want 10x out of the sump/fuge section of the system. 2250 gph and you need at least another 10x out of the CL. Well then how many outlets do you want need. You have stated that you like to move your rock around and not worry about to many CL outlets. That means lets stay with 2-3 and 1 large intake. Maybe you want to think about a wave making device?
Start with the tank and think things through. But you need to start somewhere and somebody is gonna say well you should have done this or that. Not everybody will agree on everything and you know what they say about opinions.....
Pick a course and stick to it!
But please don't give up! You have a real gift here jump on it!



Thank you very much for all of your help Tim. You and Murph and a few others have gone above and beyond to try and help me these last few days with all of my questions(unlike some others
). Ill keep trying and see if i can get this figured out in the next few days before the b-day passes


Active Member
Hey su, Look, you can always just go get a 180 and outfit it with a couple of 1200 gph HOB OFs and I'm sure we can come up with an internal CL. Get a plan for a sump/fuge (whatever will fit under the stand) and you'll have a dandy tank. You don't have to get crazy custom for the tank to work. Or just get an off the shelf 180 RR you can work with that!
No worries man, but don't let this get away. And really don't let it drive you nuts, this is fun right?


Yeah, it was before all this !

Im SERIOUSLY considering doing just that. I have a local 180g and stand for a decent price that i like. The only problem is I want it the way i want it , for lack of a better term. I dont want to upgrade in a year or 2 or 3. I want it eurobraced definitely, would really like starphire glass on front and sides, and would like the 30" wide 225g. If im gonna lay out this much $(even with them helping on the tank, i need stand, lights, sump/fuge, etc..) Shouldnt i get what i REALLY want? I know if i get the 180, ill love it but in a month,year, whatever, when i really know what im doing, ill be wishing i had got the custom tank and be kicking myself forever.


Active Member
Honestly maybe thats just what you need to do. If you get the 180 and build it up with less expensive parts and pcs (notice I didn't say cheap) then really get a feel for a big tank. Then if you keep it in good shape. Resell it and then get what you want, in however long upgrade to the 225 or bigger with all the bells and whistles. Keep the 180 pretty much standard and sell it as a unit. Once the 225+ is up transfer everything to it and sell the 180.
Hey you may decide that the 180 is enough or down the road you may decide to go bigger and then the expense and experience will allow you to make an informed decision.
I hear what you're saying but maybe cut your loses a bit and just try it out. Around here folks through numbers around like its nothing but I got to tell you that a 180 is more than enough tank.
Even if you get the 225 "the way you want it" whos to say in a year you won't want to go bigger.
What do you think?