Tank size question


Thank you!
Well, last night i did get a shirt, not too crappy though. I didnt order the tank but we lied to my parents and said that we did, otherwise they wouldnt have chipped in. So now I have no choice but to order it! I figured ill order it sometime next week after we get all the numbers figured out and theyll never be the wiser


Well, I'm gonna go 180 gallon, 72x24x24, 2 ovefflows( offset most likely), and a closed loop with 2-4 returns. Just need to figure out the number of returns and the sizes and placement.
Unless you have any better ideas or suggestions?
Oh, and figure out the sump/fuge size. We were talking like 90-100 g.


Active Member
Not anything solid yet. Actually got to work on my own tank yesterday.
You wnat about 20x flow for possible SPS. right? I think if you go 2-1.25" drains that will give you 1500-1600 through the sump. See what they recommend for OF's place ment you want. Have to check again on the amount of liner OF needed for that kind of flow.
Thats going to leave about 2000gph for the CL. I'm not sure if a 1.5" intake and 3-1" outs will work, may have to go up to 2" intake. Might have to find squidd on that!
I have to check return pumps but maybe 2-1.25" returns in the corner. Don't think you'll get that kinda flow with 1" but may be possible with the right pump.
So, 180 tank, 100 sump/fuge, 20x flow, 1600 through sump and 2000 throught CL, 1 intake centered low and three outs across the back. 2 returns in corners. Sound about right?


Thats sounds perfect. The only thing is overflows in corner or offset. I kinda prefer the look of offset but really dont care as i plan the rockwork to cover most of it anyway. If there is a advantage to corner id do that instead.


Active Member
I don't think theres an advantage either way. I like the offset and the returns in the corners but thats just me! The water thats goes in the tank has to come out! right? It also gets you the centered CL intake and the equi-distant Cl returns.


Squidd, if your out there could you please give Tim a hand and help me out with the overflow and cl numbers and placements?


Active Member
su, go back through the plumding 101 thread, I think that leaona had about that flow for the CL......
Got kid duty today so I'm kinda in and out . but I have numbers down and will get you something later tonight or tomorrow.
You could also ask glasscages what they think for 1600 duel OF....


Cool, thanks.
Yeah, im on kid duty now also. My daughter is yelling for me to turn around so she can jump on me for the 17,001 time tonight!


Tim or squidd, i forgot to ask but was just thinking. How much room behind the tank do i need for the CL. Im only gonna have a few inches, will that be enough? im looking at the space and wondering how ill be able to be able to do any work back there if i have to.


Active Member
You won't have to get back there. just run the plumbing first and place the tank. Then all the equipment can go under the stand. Are you having glass cages build the stand and sump?
But you'll need about 3-4" in any case.....


Yeah, was gonna try and have it all ordered by the end of the week hopefully. Havent heard back anything on the used tank so will just order the custom. A friend at one of my lfs i get most of my stuff from did call and say he may be able to get a new 180 AGA and stand for a really cheap price. He said hed know by wednesday, if its cheap enough i may have to consider it but i really want the custom.


Active Member
I did some research on plumbing 101 last night and think I got the CL.
What I think I'll do is start a new thread with you and OMG (helping with a 125) and see if squidd will check my stuff out.
Shouldn't take me to long to draw up the back panel and OF's but gotta run the kids around today.
I'll be back!
Any word on the AGA?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk2
Tim or squidd, i forgot to ask but was just thinking. How much room behind the tank do i need for the CL. Im only gonna have a few inches, will that be enough? im looking at the space and wondering how ill be able to be able to do any work back there if i have to.
alot of people do 4-6" and then a door like thingy covering the back. i'll try and find a picture..