Tank temps vs house temps


Ok I had a previous question posted that didn't get much reponse so here's another to simplify my CHILLER question.
Before continuing please provide your house temp and tank temp. THANKS!
My house temp on AC is programmed consistently to range between 70-72 degrees and meet requirements of my heater turning on and tank temp being within 80-82 with a very gradual change of temps that usually occur in the 82 range at the end of light cycle per day.
Tank: 46g bowfront
lights: 2x96 sunpaq half day/half actinics
House-A/C temp: 70-72
Tank temp 80-82
Heater: hydor 150w set to 75 degrees and still manages to come on...not sure whats up there.
Tank is in my office.. Would you folks suggest I close the air vent to my office room where tank is located and run a chiller to keep temps consistent and ditch the heater?


I don't think a gradual 2 degree change through out the day is anything to worry about. I have an SPS dominated tank that can sometimes have 2 degree temp change when the AC is not on. It's never caused any problems. If you have the money for a chiller go for it, but I don't think it's a necessary.


I keep 77 deg in my house when we are in, 79 when we are out.
The tank temp range from 80.5 to 82.5.
I have no chiller and I use the heater only during the winter.


I'm in the same boat as mario i dont have a chiller and i turn my heat way down during spring-fall. My tank is usually around 80 degrees and it stays pretty stable with my fan and AC chillin it. I got a 40 gal cube tank with a 175 MH on it.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Will the heater keep the tank at 81 if you set it to 76?
I agree that 2 degrees is fine.
Yes it will but is this something I should expect from any heater I purchase? I mean it's currently set to 75 and my temps remain stable but it's the fact it turns on that worries me if the temp on the heater is set to 75.... Is there somethng I might not know about...and I am being serious... Still new to the hobby learning all the time.