I have a 55 reef that has been established for some time but it,s looking uglier now, after a bout with slime, and hair algae.I use a compact flour. along with an 10K actinic.nitrates 0 nitrites 0 sal.1.10 two snails two bl claw crabs 2 more crabs and a lawnmower blennie, along with a perc clown, and a cardinal. I used a product called Poly Ox to help get rid of the red stuff, and it seems to be gone from the rocks and sand, but hair algae set in all over the rocks, I brushed is off syphoned off a lot of bad and replaced with deionozed H2O, and cut back on the lighting a bit.I started using a product called Coral Life to help with trying to reestablish the color there once was. with all the polyps,anenomes, and mushrooms that was everywhere.I brushed the hair algae from the rocks and the olnly thing wanting to come back is grrrreen , it's short and brighter than hair, but no polyps or shrooms seem to be emerging, are they gome forever? can one lawnmower be able to clean off all the rock( a lot) will the coreline return? Is the low salinity the cause, I am slowly increasing it to 1,23 The lights are less than I year old and I have a lot of movement, should I scrub rocks again? Help.... I want color : Hawkster