well all i did was cut the xenia off, a tiny little bit has started growing back, but the light on my tank isn't very strong, so it's super slow. i had some on a shell that i cut down and we stuck it in my friend amanda's tank that is growing better, her light is slightly stronger...
anyways, i cut them all off because they were dying... i left my tank alone for about 4 days in my dorm room and it got too hot. way too hot. i lost probably 3/4 of a gal of water out of 5 gal total, so my salinity shot way up. apparently either my RA or campus ops came in my room after my roommate and i had both left and shut off the fans that we had on, so it got super warm in the room and the tank. i think when i came in and checked on it on day 2 the temp was up from 79 to at least 85 degrees.
so should have tried to get money out of the school for my damaged property....lol. my mom paid $40 for one piece of xenia, so 40 times however many stalks were in there.....lol. oh well.