Tanks In College


Hey anyone out there have their tanks at college. lets see them and hear where you go to school
heres my 7 gallon and i go to a Franklin Pierce in New Hampshire



lets see aga 7 mini bow to start
32 pc lights
10 lbs live rock
15 lbs live sand
hang on back filter and a power head
frog spawn
toad stool
brown green zoos
gren stars
and a 5 dollar frag of hard to see if it will survive with my lights
1 true perc
rose bubble tip
4 hermits
3 snails
coral banded shrimp
and i think thats it


i have a 5 gal, but i'll have to take a new pic, don't have any since i got rid of xenias and added some other stuff! i'll get back to ya later! ***)


10g just picked up a hammer today. ill post some pics when i can figure out how to make them small enough. Im not amazing with resizing pics. Oh yeah I go to U of Akron.


well i just took a few new pics, but my comp is reading my camera.... here's an old pic, before i took the xenia out. i just have the lights and filter that came w/ the tank, 4 mushrooms, 1 ocellaris clownfish (who's pretty camera shy), 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, and 2 hermit crabs. not sure exactly how much lr....
i know it's pretty bare, i wanted to keep it simple since i have to move it like 12 + more times :scared:


ive had great luck with my bubble tip anenome with moving and everything so maybe you might wnat to consider one of those for your clown mine loves his


Originally Posted by millerman
can i have a bubble tip aneome i have a 65 watt coralife strip for my 20 g
go gamecocks
What is your tank height? Anemones need a lot of light. 65watts wuldnt be enough. Ive heard some people have kept with 90watts of light with a depth of only 12inch. But usually the watts per gallon rule for anemones is at least 5watts per gallon. I have 7 watts per gallon in my tank.


Originally Posted by biglurr545
ive had great luck with my bubble tip anenome with moving and everything so maybe you might wnat to consider one of those for your clown mine loves his
How long have you had your bubble tip anemone?


ive had my bubble for a while probly 5 months and i only have 32 watts in a 7 gallon but its about 6 inches from the surface. and i regualarly feed it with freeze dried krill
i did have a problem with two anenomes before though.
i had a green bubble tip that got caught in my filter twice and then before i went home for the weekend it wasnt looking to good so i pulled it out and threw it away because i didnt want to come home to a dead tank
the other anenome problem followed after this becuase i wanted a home for my perc so i got a carpet.... not a good idea way to small of a tank. the tenticles started to rot off after 3 weeks so i got rid of that as well now all i have is the small rose bubble and its been doing great


well all i did was cut the xenia off, a tiny little bit has started growing back, but the light on my tank isn't very strong, so it's super slow. i had some on a shell that i cut down and we stuck it in my friend amanda's tank that is growing better, her light is slightly stronger...
anyways, i cut them all off because they were dying... i left my tank alone for about 4 days in my dorm room and it got too hot. way too hot. i lost probably 3/4 of a gal of water out of 5 gal total, so my salinity shot way up. apparently either my RA or campus ops came in my room after my roommate and i had both left and shut off the fans that we had on, so it got super warm in the room and the tank. i think when i came in and checked on it on day 2 the temp was up from 79 to at least 85 degrees.
so should have tried to get money out of the school for my damaged property....lol. my mom paid $40 for one piece of xenia, so 40 times however many stalks were in there.....lol. oh well.


my tank has been up since august 05, on the 20th i believe which was when i first moved into my dorm. since then it has moved home and back once.


New Member
can you list your equiptment and what you have in it...i got b--ched out because i tried putting fish in my 5 gal. i haven't had success keeping a fish but just let me know im really curious! Thanks! :thinking: