Tanks In College


Active Member
miller what's the tank size. i'm plan on keeping a sfe in a 20long in the near future. i have a visi-jet protein skimmer do you think that will be ok??


i have my sfe i a 20 gallon as of now it is the only inhabitant in the tank besides cleaning crew and even a pepermintshrimp.((no casualties yet (meaning shrimp ).)
i do not have a protein skimmer and i have not had any issues with needing one.I have had this tank up and running with the sfe since august i'm just taking it slow. I do waterchanges every two weeks religously and change the filter every time i do a water change. I have a emperor 280 hob filter that fits the size "E" filters. I was told that this was more than enough filter for this size tank. I have about 14 lbs live rock but am planing on getting some more just as soon as i get some more money.


they dont eat polyps or mushrooms....so i think im safe...considering im not going to have anything else in the tank.


they dont eat polyps or mushrooms....so i think im safe...considering im not going to have anything else in the tank.


Here is the pic of my new 20H. Currently cycling. The tank stats are in an earlier reply to this thread if anybody is curious, or has any suggestions (which are welcome!). Currently the livestock consists of a blue damsel, two dwarf red-tip hermits, one turbo snail, and the usual hitchhikers. About 5 days into the cycle.

Does anyone have any good ideas for a 20H nano reef cleaning crew? :notsure:

...and the damsel (his name is Steve


um.....you do know that the cycle will most likely kill the inverts....? :notsure: not the damsel, they're hardy as h*ll, but it'll burn his gills and he'll be a pain to get out of the tank if he turns out to be super mean like some of them.
did you read up on cycling your tank? i know there are a lot of threads about it.
please don't take this the wrong way, i'm just giving you my two cents!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kleinn
Here is the pic of my new 20H. Currently cycling. The tank stats are in an earlier reply to this thread if anybody is curious, or has any suggestions (which are welcome!). Currently the livestock consists of a blue damsel, two dwarf red-tip hermits, one turbo snail, and the usual hitchhikers. About 5 days into the cycle.

Does anyone have any good ideas for a 20H nano reef cleaning crew? :notsure:

...and the damsel (his name is Steve

that's a really funny name :hilarious


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
um.....you do know that the cycle will most likely kill the inverts....? :notsure: not the damsel, they're hardy as h*ll, but it'll burn his gills and he'll be a pain to get out of the tank if he turns out to be super mean like some of them.
did you read up on cycling your tank? i know there are a lot of threads about it.
please don't take this the wrong way, i'm just giving you my two cents!

Thanks, I appreciate the help, and I know they're at risk. I also know a bit about cycling a new tank and the nitrogen cycle-at least FW tanks. Granted, I don't know anything about SW inverts. The herms were free (I was the freshwater guy at my lfs so I have hook-ups), and these particular herms have been through 2 initial cycles in other tanks already, and the turbo was a hitchhiker. Just the same, I would feel kinda bad if the spike kills them. Maybe I should put them up in somebody else's tank for the next couple weeks...


Originally Posted by kleinn
I live in Iowa. I'm at Iowa State University in Ames. Where's Tri-State?
we're in the very northeast corner of indiana. lol. it's cold, snowing, and pretty much miserable outside! lol.


Active Member
I know I'm bumping an older thread here, but I figured that now that I'm in college at Seattle Pacific University, I have earned the right to post my tank here =).
It's nothing special really. It is a 20g long with two Ocellaris clownfish and a cleaner shrimp. There's about 20lbs. of LR and that one red rock was a gift that I put in the tank to be courteous (the fish seem to like swimming through it at least!).

Before I went to college, I had all of this in a 29g. I've had all of the livestock for almost two years now and they seem to be doing well. They definitely attract a lot of attention for being the only saltwater creatures on campus. :joy:


Active Member
I like this thread! I go to San Francisco State University...in California in case you didn't know lol...I live at home, but this is my tank in my room.


congrats, but im just starting college next year so its going to suck, anyways i dont know how im going to smuggle my shark pond into college but it has to be done. i cant live without my sharks.


Active Member
nice tanks everyone! i graduate highschool in 2008, and im kinda worried about leaving my tank in my parents hands :notsure: btw, anyone going to school for architecture?


Hey everyone! Great looking tanks! I was just wondering what you guys do in order to take everything on the trips home? I'm assuming you take it home over Xmas and Summer, but what about Spring/Fall break? Both my breaks are only like 4 days, but still it kinda scares me to leave all my stuff. I'm going to be setting one up at college after Christmas (once I get my tank) and I didn't know how to get it home. I have about a 3 hour drive, so should I just get some plastic boxes to put stuff in or inside bags, or what? Maybe styrofoam? What do you guys suggest?


Active Member
i never took mine home, i ever lived there for the summer, or had friends that lived there take care of it...too much of a hassle to lug that every time.