tanks size question.


Active Member
ok so i plan on getting a 55gal reef tank.
these are what im going to add:
1. kole/yellow eye tang.
2. mated pair perc clowns or tomato
3. lawnmower blenny.
4. a school of 6 or 7 blue green cromis
5. maybe a coral beauty
and for corals:
and maybe leather
the corals are going to be under metal haylids or T5's
i just want to know if everything is ok. the fish and the corals.
the quantity.
im going to have a lot of rocks and hiding places. and would a sea clone be enough? size 150? and im going to have a common 55gal filter. plus heater.
what else should i add
i know that this tank will be kinda small for the tang but ive seen people with kole tangs in there tanks.

bang guy

I think the stocking is fine. You're on the edge of overstocking but I believe you'll be fine. A 4 foot tank is fine for a Kole in my opinion, they are not open water swimmers like other Tangs.
I'm not a fan of SeaClones, your call though.
Make sure you have enough waterflow, that's more important than filtration.
i wouldnt put the tang in the tank. i have a 55 too and the kole is my favorite tang, but it took me a few weeks to realize i could not get it. i thought "well everyone says 75s and a 55 isnt that much smaller", but then i realize if a 55 was ok, then people would say 55 for minimum tank. youll get a lot of people on each side of that argument. the rest of the fish are fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
i wouldnt put the tang in the tank. i have a 55 too and the kole is my favorite tang, but it took me a few weeks to realize i could not get it. i thought "well everyone says 75s and a 55 isnt that much smaller", but then i realize if a 55 was ok, then people would say 55 for minimum tank. youll get a lot of people on each side of that argument. the rest of the fish are fine.
are there any other kind of tangs that would stay small and not outgrow the 55gal? i think it would be ok cause there is a lot of swimming space.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
are there any other kind of tangs that would stay small and not outgrow the 55gal? i think it would be ok cause there is a lot of swimming space.

The Kole Tang is the only Tang appropriate for a 4 foot tank in my opinion. All other Tangs either get too large or they need more open water for swimming.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
My Kole Tang may be the exception to the rule because he is constantly grazing my entire tank but I also am in agreement with Bang that he should be fine in your tank


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
really? like which ones? is it reef safe?
I would say yes for the most part coral beauty's are reef safe. I have seen mine pick at my pulsating Xenia and frogspawn. Great fish, but make sure it gets enough grub.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I think you would be pushing the envelope, but if you had your heart set on a yellow rethink your total stocking plan I look at stocking this way. If I had a 55g and only put in a tang then I would be allotting 55g minus what ever is dispersed by things in my tank. If you follow my logic you may be able to work out a plan for a yellow

bang guy

Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
instead of the kole tang can i get a yellow tang? i think the tank will be a bit small right?

Just my opinion but I think 4 foot tanks are too short for open water swimmers like Yellow Tangs. I think it slightly stresses them and sometimes they exhibit unusual behavior or are more prone to disease.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Just my opinion but I think 4 foot tanks are too short for open water swimmers like Yellow Tangs. I think it slightly stresses them and sometimes they exhibit unusual behavior or are more prone to disease.
Bang I am not really sure that the problem with keeping a yellow in a four food long tank. Is the lack of swimming space as apposed to the lack of available algae for them to feed on (the bigger the tank the more algae that is available). That is where I feel that stocking is so important. One would need to keep the competition for green matter down. Agan this is only my opinion

bang guy

Originally Posted by florida joe
Bang I am not really sure that the problem with keeping a yellow in a four food long tank. Is the lack of swimming space as apposed to the lack of available algae for them to feed on (the bigger the tank the more algae that is available). That is where I feel that stocking is so important. One would need to keep the competition for green matter down. Agan this is only my opinion

That's certainly possible. The only evidence I have is anecdotal in that they seem to still act weird in small tank when provided with plenty of Nori & Laver.
Wierd behavior = Pacing back & forth, attacking tank mates, skittish, etc.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Bang I wonder if it has anything to do with mating. In as much as they are some of the larger fish we keep the agitation while going through a mating cycle could very well manifest itself in the type of behavior that you mention and thus the lack of swimming room would surly be a factor


Originally Posted by florida joe
Bang I wonder if it has anything to do with mating. In as much as they are some of the larger fish we keep the agitation while going through a mating cycle could very well manifest itself in the type of behavior that you mention and thus the lack of swimming room would surly be a factor
From what I have seen, they do that even if they are the only tang in the smaller tank. It may be that the tang is reaching se.xual maturity though.