Like previously stated - keep an eye out for hitchhikers, cause there are bad crabs/snails/shrimp/anemones/and macro alage that you will want to keep looking for over the next several weeks. Some of these things may not show up for a seek or two - but once they show up, they can breed/multiply like mad, and take over your tank.
Graet looking tank so far. very cool LR. From the rate of expansion in your system, it's obvious you have been bitten by the bug.
Just be aware that now comes the waiting game while things mature some before attempting to add fish, but it's the perfect time to really begin researching what you will eventually want in this tank. Alot of research must be done, as not everything that's available to buy is campatibal and worse, many things will eat other things, so for the next few weeks, I;d advise to begin deciding what you want, and what will work by researching some.