Tap Water Filter


I went to ***** and bought a $70 Tap Water Filter made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "Tested and used by Jack Watley, World Famous Discus Breeder". The box says it removes all dissolved materials (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, chloride, carbonate, floride) all heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, iron, cadmium, aluminum), undesirable contaminates (phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, silicate, nitrate), chlorine and chloramine, and organic pollutants (insecticides, herbicides, PCBs, pesticides).
Is this good enough or should I return it?


I dont know if its good or not, but I'd return it anyhow. Then go to *****.com and you can find it for $35.99. I just bought a Fluval 204 from there (it arrived 3hrs ago). The price difference was like $50! I called ***** to see if they would honor the web prices but apparently they are seperate entities.
They shipped my filter via FedEx and it arrived in 2 days (non-expidited shipping, even). So far the filter works great.

bang guy

I've heard complaints about the TWF but in theory it should work fine. Replacing the cartridges can become very expensive if you have hard water.


i used a twp for awhile and the money you spend replacing the catridges you might as well get a ro/di unit you will be happier in the long run.


Active Member
I use it and have had no problems with it. I test my water before and after the filter and have marked differences in the filtered water it produces. My tap water has high minerals and nitrates. After the filter, all tests come up negative. The trick is to run water through it SLOWLY. It takes time for the water to react with the medium. Also if it's too fast you will force some of the pellets out of the filter which will decrease it's filtering capacity. I run mine so that it takes about 5-7 minutes to fill a 1.5 gal jug.


did anyone ever try just to use one of those walmart specials. you know they say on the box that it takes out chlorinie and lead. hey if it does that it should be better then just plain tap. or am i just wishing too hard lol


Active Member
It also needs to take out copper and minerals. If it doesn't then you may be better off staying away from it.


well thats what im saying. dont you think it would take out copper and minerals too? i mean if it takes out lead then it might take out other metals also. i was just woundering if anyone ever tried them. and if so, then did anyone have good luck with them?

bang guy


Originally posted by zap800
if it takes out lead then it might take out other metals also.

Someone else tried making that leap with using Algae for filtration. It was proved wrong.
If it took out all heavy metals then the label probably wouldn't say it just takes out lead.