Tap Water?


phosphates(causes MAJOR algae problems), heavy metals(copper = death), the list goes on and on, these are the 2 major things...if your spending your money on this hobby, at least get a RO filter...u save money in 6 months.


Thank you I have been useing tap water for the last 5 months because i was away and my buddy who was watching the tank ran out of ro water and used tap water so i have been using it sence and i have had no problems at all ,i have noticed less algea too and also none of my inverts have died so do u think i can get away with using it?


Originally Posted by Urbana21
Thank you I have been useing tap water for the last 5 months because i was away and my buddy who was watching the tank ran out of ro water and used tap water so i have been using it sence and i have had no problems at all ,i have noticed less algea too and also none of my inverts have died so do u think i can get away with using it?
first things first, do a good sized water change(With RO water!), replace your carbon, and throw in a pack of Chemi-Pure. while your getting that, get a phosphate test kit, and see what your levels are...you may have to run some phosphate sponge.
also, if it's been going for 5 months and things are still *OK*, things arent...but dont go making sudden changes.
see the problem is that if *your friend* has been toping off water with tap water, the elements still are in the water, but when the water evaps off, it leaves the badd stuff in the tanks water. every time your friend did the water change, it keep adding small amounts of badd stuff in there, it has to come out.
just do it slowly.


Active Member
If he's been using tap for 5 months and everything's fine I hardly think they need to run out tonight and spend a bunch of money fixing a problem that doesn't exist. Switch over back to ro for topoff and water changes if you wish.


New Member
I have using TAP-Water for almost two years have no problem. I have 75 FOWLR with 2 seaclone 150 skimmer(works great) wet/dry filter and a home-made canister filter ,mag 9.5 pump and 2 powerheads.
Here is what I do:
1. Run tap water slow through a home-made pvc filter with carbon, pho and floss.
2. Add de-chol to collecting 39 gal trash can.
3.Add Stress-coat
4. rise temp to 84 degrees with strong mag 7 pump for 6-10 hours.
5. Lower temp to 80 degrees add salt, run for 10 hours or so.
6. Test water and ready to go.
IMO,There are lots of fancy and expensive equip for salt water tank out there but it may not be nessceery for all to have.
I like DIY, it's fun and save $.


Well-Known Member
I have using TAP-Water for almost two years have no problem
That is likely true, but not the whole story. I have been in marine fishkeeping for more than 30 years, and the use of RODI is fairly new to me, too. However, I have noticed that since better water has become common, fish live longer - lots longer (when I began, a 2 year old marine fish was pretty much unheard of, now 5-10 years is pretty common), and the grow much more (adults are actually adult sized. I can remember having a volitans for 3 years that was 4" when I got it, and the same 3 years later, despite some heavy feeding). So...two years with no problem means that your tap water isn't too bad, and that it will take a little longer before the accumulation of contaminants reaches a critical level. With RODI it just takes much longer, if at all, to get there.


New Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
That is likely true, but not the whole story. I have been in marine fishkeeping for more than 30 years, and the use of RODI is fairly new to me, too. However, I have noticed that since better water has become common, fish live longer - lots longer (when I began, a 2 year old marine fish was pretty much unheard of, now 5-10 years is pretty common), and the grow much more (adults are actually adult sized. I can remember having a volitans for 3 years that was 4" when I got it, and the same 3 years later, despite some heavy feeding). So...two years with no problem means that your tap water isn't too bad, and that it will take a little longer before the accumulation of contaminants reaches a critical level. With RODI it just takes much longer, if at all, to get there.
You could be right.
I have 6 damsels, 2 foxface ,a toby puffer, 20 snails,6 hermits only lost 1 damsel during cycle. They are really active so I guess they're happy.
I feed my fishs raw: shrimp, scollop, cut fish, chop cuttlefish all soak in vitmain before feeding 2x a day, everyone of these fishs have a "beer stomach".
I guess good nutritions and so-so quality water Compromise each other.


i wouldn't worry about cleansing your system of all that stuff, but if you have the means, i would recommend that you begin using RO for topoffs and water changes. it just makes more sense. cant argue with that


Active Member
I would NEVER recommend as a general rule that if Tap water works for me, it would work for anyone else. The variability in tap water in different parts of the country - even in the same city - can be HIGHLY variable.
I would suggest you get a water profile of your tap water and go from there. But there is no doubt that tap water can be relatively less consistent in quality (go anywhere with chloramine issues) and that "unknown" is not ideal in the hobby. RO/DI is a blank slate, consistently.


Active Member
well i have a class A epa liscense for water treatment , water quility is different in every town and city depending on where the water comes from either deep well, shallow well.river or lake.
tap water generally has traces of heavy metals,chlorine,floride,nitrates,nitrites,ammonia,phosphates(we use phosphoric acid for rust removal) copper, radium and te list goes on i truly believe u are slowly poisoning your tank by using tap water that can have terrible results including unwanted algaes and premature fish death .


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
That is likely true, but not the whole story. I have been in marine fishkeeping for more than 30 years, and the use of RODI is fairly new to me, too. However, I have noticed that since better water has become common, fish live longer - lots longer (when I began, a 2 year old marine fish was pretty much unheard of, now 5-10 years is pretty common), and the grow much more (adults are actually adult sized. I can remember having a volitans for 3 years that was 4" when I got it, and the same 3 years later, despite some heavy feeding). So...two years with no problem means that your tap water isn't too bad, and that it will take a little longer before the accumulation of contaminants reaches a critical level. With RODI it just takes much longer, if at all, to get there.
I've heard this from several LFS. Fish live longer now due to availability of quality water.
If you're going to spend money on the fish/coral it's a shame to skimp on something like water. "Saving a few bucks" and "marine aquarium" should not be used in the same sentence.
I vote no on the tap water issue.


My LFS stated to me that if you put your tap water into a container and let it sit for a few days the contaminants evaporate, clear, leave (whatever). It sounded good and there statement was if u do not see extra algae growth and your water tests are good, than u r alright. I pretty much know what alot of u think, but would like to hear a response to my LFS advise. Just an FYI they have been around for 15 + years and seem to be very knowelgeable. Pretty much all that is said on these boards they concur with.


this is just my 2 cents ofcourse, but lately all i have been useing is tap water with zero problems, one of the better lfs i go to i just found out thats all they use is tap water and they have a great selection of really nice looking corals and fish well anyways thats just my 2 cents worth


New Member
Originally Posted by WEBER518
My LFS stated to me that if you put your tap water into a container and let it sit for a few days the contaminants evaporate, clear, leave (whatever). It sounded good and there statement was if u do not see extra algae growth and your water tests are good, than u r alright. I pretty much know what alot of u think, but would like to hear a response to my LFS advise. Just an FYI they have been around for 15 + years and seem to be very knowelgeable. Pretty much all that is said on these boards they concur with.
I pretty much agree with what your LFS said.
I'm not SUGGESTTING or RECOMMANDING using Tap Water, it's IME and IMO!
No doubt RO/DI is best water, that doesn't guarantee healthy-long live or algea free as Tap-water is not nesscery cause death or algea problem.
""""Properly treated tap-water just as good as RO water IMO."""""
Here is what I do (just mine penny tips):
1. Run tap water slow through a home-made pvc filter with carbon, pho and floss.
2. Add de-chol to collecting 39 gal trash can.
3.Add Stress-coat
4. rise temp to 84 degrees with strong mag 7 pump for 6-10 hours.
5. Lower temp to 80 degrees add salt, run for 10 hours or so.
6. Test water and ready to go.
I have my fishs for two years now so as inverts. Not one fish been sick or die. No aglea problem, just big, bright color, active fish. I translate this as HEATHLY HAPPY Fishs inverts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WEBER518
My LFS stated to me that if you put your tap water into a container and let it sit for a few days the contaminants evaporate, clear, leave (whatever). It sounded good and there statement was if u do not see extra algae growth and your water tests are good, than u r alright. I pretty much know what alot of u think, but would like to hear a response to my LFS advise. Just an FYI they have been around for 15 + years and seem to be very knowelgeable. Pretty much all that is said on these boards they concur with.
the only thing that will evaporate from the water is chlorine


Active Member
The problem I see with adding untested tap water to the tank is that you don't know if it's a problem until you lose a few hunded bucks worth of livestock. Not to mention the fact that you are using live animals to test your tap water.
If you insist on using tap water at the very least you should test it first. We spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars keeping reefs in our homes. Just spend a little time and a few more $ to make sure you have quality water. Is it really that hard or expensive not to gamble with life that depends on you for survival?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by WEBER518
My LFS stated to me that if you put your tap water into a container and let it sit for a few days the contaminants evaporate, clear, leave (whatever). It sounded good and there statement was if u do not see extra algae growth and your water tests are good, than u r alright. I pretty much know what alot of u think, but would like to hear a response to my LFS advise. Just an FYI they have been around for 15 + years and seem to be very knowelgeable. Pretty much all that is said on these boards they concur with.
The only thing that evaporates on standing is chlorine ... and water. All of the other stuff (benzene, fluorine, chloramine, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium and more than 100 other things that are present in all tap water) not only do not evaporate, but as the water evaporates, their concentration becomes higher due to the loss of the water. If the starting tap water was very good, then freshly made salt water won't be too bad. However, as water evaporates from the tank the same thing happens - contaminants remain behind, and concentrate. If tap water is then used to top off, more contaminants are added. It's sort of like Vegas - what goes on in the tank stays in the tank. That's why RODI is so desirable - when you add RODI you add only water, none of the other stuff, so there is no accumulation of contaminants.


thanks, just wanted an opinion and got it. I appreciate all the responses and i do feel that ro/di water is better, but how Much better. We all drink (or most of us) drink tap water every day and all of us live a long life, actually we probably drink and or consume alot worse than tap water. I know we are not fish and someone out there will give me a long disertation about people vs. fish and i welcome it, i think everyone here is great. I just wish we all cared about our bodies as much as we do our fish/tanks. But that's another forum somewhere else. Have a great weekend all.