Teaching my clowns to host!


Is this possible... my clowns done even look at my BTA.... the most action that thing see's is the cleaner shrimp trying to steal its silversilde when it eats....
My clowns are tank raised but never look at it... would introducing a small wild caught clown be wise or just a waste :notsure:
Im dumbfounded... but for all its worth i have a very health anemone and for that im happy


I was really thinking about trying that, how long did it take and was it a lifesized pic?


its crazy enough to work... they are tank raised and never have seen a clownfish host... its natural for them and once they get the idea well it works. They have to see it first, they need to be taught to be clownfish. Im printin pics as we speak


I dont think its instinctive because then they would host in the anemone I have that also explain why some host in GSP or toadstool leathers... They just dont know better they have been raised in tanks.
In the wild its a race to see who can have there own anemone. Theres more fish then anemonies and they defend this territory heavily.
This is also why IMO you may see some Maroons or Clarkii acting more aggressive in fish tanks. These are most likely wild caught and defending territory. True and False percs have been bred now in the hobby on a regular basis and captive specimins are more readily available and probably much more domesticated or docile.
Just what I think


I think if you show them that thats where they should host they will. Otherwise EVENTUALLY they might pick it up on there own an host in anything with tentacles because they dont know better.


rememer this is just IMO... I have heard Bang's suggestion before and really pondered it so now I will test it once I get home.


I can believe that the picture works. :joy: When we first got our clowns there was a seascape background on the QT. They were trying to host with the anemone on the background thru the glass.
Obviously frustrating for them, so we changed to a neutral background.


they can see through the glass... That i think is the scariest thing to see all these face schmooshed on the glass. The more I think about it the more I think it will work.


Active Member
I have two aquacultured false percs and they both host in corals . . . one in a frogspawn and the other in an open brain. No instruction needed for these guys . . . I guess you just got dumb clowns!

Just kidding . . . :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I used a picture of Clownfish hosting in an Anemone taped to the tank.

This for some reason, sounds like a comment that Beaslbob would make (no offense intended to either party).
I got a good chuckle out of it, thats for sure!