Very interesting responses. True - it doesn't matter how old drivers are that can be bad drivers. Age shows no limits.
True, young males are idiots when they squeel tires, stereos blasting with volume past 10 listening to rap or whatever noise it is all to impress people to make a statement.
But I have to laugh about soccer mom gripping wheel and sweating .... made me laugh.
Definitely true older seniors are dangerous when they don't know well enough to quit driving before something happens. My wife's 70 + year old aunt just quit driving just 6 mos. ago after an accident that was her fault (no one was injured). Imaging encountering a senior citizen going 30mph on a 65 mph highway ...
Now - alot of people don't realize this but did you know that talking on the cell phone is just as dangerous as drunk driving ? Drivers that talk on cell phones is one of my biggest pet peeves. What in God's name is soooo important that cannot wait til you're home than paying attention to the road ?!?!
I've had more than my share of close calls of stupid drivers on cell phones than I can count. Stay off the phone and drive !!!
Teens driving brand new sporty cars/SUVs parents bought for them - spoiled kids whose parents think they deserve it ... But that is another topic for another day. I can see buying them for college grads when they graduate but teens - no.