temporary fuel charge


Active Member
is goin downnn!
Temporary Fuel Charge = $12.99
i havent looked at it in a while, i was pretty happy when i saw it. whooo!


Active Member
wait, is it going up or down? i thought it used to be $20, but that seems like an awful lot... was it $10? i sure hope it isnt going up, im gonna look really dumb!


Active Member
they said they pass alot whatever fedex charges (or do they use UPS) Someone asked about it last week. So it does change. And it probably has gone down. But don't get used to it.


Active Member
fuel charges used to be 9.99 . it's odd that they are still there IMO with how much gas has gone down.


Active Member
I think you're going to end up seeing a difference in the prices due to exchange rates. And mark my words, our dollar is going to tank with the fed flooding the market with the USD. Opec has also been reigning in production. Plus you have the issue of the Gaza strip and a bunch of ticked off muslims who supply a good portion of the worlds oil. People are getting antsy.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
It may be due to companies that buy Crude Oil Futures and got stuck.I know Southwest Airlines blew Millions. Airlines ,Trucking companies .....Buy Crude Oil at a fixed rate thinking that the price is going to rise in the future in this case it went down .DOH!Now they are stuck with fuel that is worth less than what they paid for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think you're going to end up seeing a difference in the prices due to exchange rates. And mark my words, our dollar is going to tank with the fed flooding the market with the USD. Opec has also been reigning in production. Plus you have the issue of the Gaza strip and a bunch of ticked off muslims who supply a good portion of the worlds oil. People are getting antsy.
If the dollar falls back again you'll see OPEC's production cuts crumble. Hugo Chavez is getting killed by the drop in the price of oil, he can't afford to cut production. If the rich Arab countries cut production the poorer countries will step in to fill the gap.


Originally Posted by reefraff
If the dollar falls back again you'll see OPEC's production cuts crumble. Hugo Chavez is getting killed by the drop in the price of oil, he can't afford to cut production. If the rich Arab countries cut production the poorer countries will step in to fill the gap.
Why didn't they "fill the gaps" when gas was $4.00 gal?


It used to be 9.99 i believe. I think it's rediculous that gas prices are about ,i'd say about 40-50% what they were when the $10 was in effect.
Now they have dropped to 1/2 the price and not only is there still a fuel charge, but it's going up.
Are you serious? I don't get how that works. I understand that prices were dumb high before, but not anymore.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Nothing. It's not an acronym or anything, just an expression. Try to pronounce it while rolling your eyes
that's funny

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
It used to be 9.99 i believe. I think it's rediculous that gas prices are about ,i'd say about 40-50% what they were when the $10 was in effect.
Now they have dropped to 1/2 the price and not only is there still a fuel charge, but it's going up.
Are you serious? I don't get how that works. I understand that prices were dumb high before, but not anymore.
that's funny


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Thanks for the link..
From what I got from skimming through it, they said that they obviously implemented it bcause of the extreme rise in fuel.
But they said that they insist on keeping the surcharge because it's easy to adjust it as they the fuel cost goes up and down. That makes perfect sense, but that doesn't explain why it's not being adjusted downward.
If they want to keep the surcharge, it's fine, because i agree that it would be difficult for websites to not have a charge for months, then add one, then take it off regularly, so keeping it is okay. BUT the charge should be minimal. It should be $0.00 right now, or very low like $1. When the cost of fuel goes back up, then they can increase it to $10 again accordingly. But that's no excuse for them to make us pay $12 right now. They are just making a profit.
They also said that many corporations signed contracts for fuel and now they are committed tobuy fuel at a higher cost per barrel than they are now worth. That is not our fault, they made a bad business decision. And they shouldn't be TOO worried about that, beause we are paying for the higher fuel costs anyway.
On top of all that, they are increasing the shipping charges as of today i think.
Originally Posted by ;

By implementing an effective fuel surcharge program, FedEx was able to remain profitable. Fuel surcharges can help produce “a benefit once the fuel prices have leveled off or even decline,” Mr. Schoonmaker said, “so FedEx, UPS and DHL will all have a benefit during these days of declining fuel prices.”
They are just making a profit now.
It's all abunch of BS if you ask me.