Test results are in, NITRATE are pegged out!!


I tested the following....
All results are ppm
So whats going on? Both of my tanks are reading the same. I have read that tap water can have nitrate in it but geewiz i think i have more of a problem than just bad tap water. I know I better do a water change, but I just did one two weeks ago. I need some help from the pros out there in SWF land.
FYI: Test kit was the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Liquid Kit.


Active Member
Not a pro here but,
Does your tank seem to be hurting in any way?
Any polyps or shrooms in your tank?


Yes, both tanks are stocked. The nano has mushrooms and polyps. But I have lose two of my oldest mushrooms in the lats two weeks?!!!? The 125G has 1 sick yellow eye tang, white ick.


Active Member
Sorry for the delay in response. Had to sleep, ;)
I see your other post. Yes: take some water to your LFS and have them test it. It could be your test kit.
In the meantime get ready to do some water changes. Do NOT use your tap water. You can buy cheap water at Walmart or maybe your LFS?
I would get your tang and seperate it by making a hostpital tank(if you do not have one). Go to the medicine forum here.
Do you use calcium or have a tester? What do you feed your tank and how much?
I have to go to work now but someone will help you out. Get the test results, ;)
Let us know.....


Active Member
For a quick double check...test your tap water with the same test kit and then buy a gallon of RO water at the grocery store...
You should find a MUCH lower reading on regular tap water then 160ppm, and definitely a 0 reading on RO water from the store...
If you find all three high...its a bad kit
If tank is the only high reading, you know where to focus your attention...
If tank and tap are high, and RO...0, you will need to switch water for the tank and definitely need to look at your source water for your family's health sake...
I'm betting on bad test kit..


Active Member
The "end result" of the "biological" filtration is nitrAtes...
Fish waste produces Ammonia...bacteria converts it to nitrItes...
Other bacteria convert nitrIte to nitrAte...
Anaerobic bacteria "can" convert nitrAte to nitrogen in a tank with a DSB or LR...
A "Refugium" is a separate tank that as water flows through "Plants" (macro algae and others) consume nitrAtes and lock them up in there cell structure...By physically removing some of the plants on a regular basis the nitrAtes are removed from the tank cycle.


Active Member
You can buy macros from online retailers. I think the most common are caulerpa and spagetti macros. I also have some shaving brushes in my tank which aid in keeping down the nitrates. My nitrates are nada.


I am planning on starting a fuge. Just got a 29 gal for it.
I have nitrate problems too but mine are at 40-60.
This is in 2 different tanks with 2 different test kits.
Never higher never lower no matter what I do.
I am going to set up a fuge on one tank and see if it helps.


Did you mean me?
I have a yellow tang, flame angel, blenny, percs and 5 chromis.
The other tank has only a clarkii clown


Well-Known Member
first of all I agree that you should (if not done already) test your test kit. Mine was too sensitive which was fustrating because I had a macro algae tank that test at 0.0 while my display was testing 160+. Display was bout 40 at LFS and with a new test kit.
Secondly, the nitrates you actually have are comming from the biological filtration in your system breaking down the bioload from the fish. Virtually none is comming from your input water.
Finally, Add all the plant life you can get your hands on. My trates are now down to 20 and have been 0.0 for months in my macro/plant culture tank. What I did was set up a 20g to culture the macros and plants to provide for my display. It took a while but now my tang and anemone crabs now have more macros then they can eat each week. Additionally, plant life consumes amonnia and phosphates in addition to the nitrates. And also carbon dioxide which provided more oxygen for the fish and raises the ph. They also aid in maintaining trace elements and filter out heavy ions.