Thank You Mods

bang guy


Originally posted by DvSKiN
This is OT, but I agree as well:D

Just don't turn "Reef Tanks" into a chat room.


Active Member
The "shark tank" is a secret forum that only mods can see, and where we go to talk trash about everyone..:D The old OT forum was called the "aquarium", which was fun until everyone and their mother started to come and try to sell things and push their store or site......another victim of SPAM....I hated to see it go, and I was quite active in the forum. After about 100 warnings about pushing stores and sites from the mods, and even a sticky post from the owner of this site explaining why SPAM is not wanted here....the abuse and SPAM continued, and it was removed. It was a neat forum to talk about music, cars, toasters, or whatever.......generally a good place to get to know each other, and of course it had to be abused.:( That's pretty much the way most of life works....we even had many members asking people to please quit posting BB and store ads in the forum......the few bad apples ruined it for the rest of us.
Hey got a little something brown on your nose.....
ahahahaha! just kidding of course, and thanks for the support.:) :) We don't get paid to have everyone hate us because we must edit..we do it for free and work regular jobs.....believe it or not.....think about it.....I do it because I love talking to all you folks about the hobby.....same reason all the other members here stick around. I do enjoy some OTs.....just as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Some OT posts give me the greatest laughs just when I need them.:) The "what do you look like" posts where all the hot girl members put up pics don't suck either.:D :D :D :D ;)


Active Member
yup ot posts are great, and seem to be under control at the moment :)
There was a time when they were an epidemic, but now it is controlled and good fun :)


Hmmm. Perhaps we could take up that talk that Sammy deleted on use a few months ago huh Tim? :rolleyes: Just kidding, that would start a religious war on the board. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. I'd like to send you that book, Tim.
BTW I never heard if you got that thumb nailer resizer, did you get it?



Originally posted by lovethesea
What the dif between a mod and a shark???

Almost the same thing, both titles are responsible for keeping the board in order. If you go out of order Beth the moderator can become Beth the man eating Shark in a heart beat :( . Anyone want to see the teeth marks :eek: .


Active Member
The first rule of the shark tank is you don't talk about the shark tank. The second rule of the shark tank is you do not talk about the shark tank.



Originally posted by Scotts
The first rule of the shark tank is you don't talk about the shark tank. The second rule of the shark tank is you do not talk about the shark tank.

I say ban Scott he's been peeking again. :D J/K


thanks guys...
maybe you could just add something like this to help those who don't like ot posts so they would have a nice warning....
btw shouldn't this start with an OT?


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
I say ban Scott he's been peeking again. :D J/K

Oh-good job-Scott. Pi$$ off a shark, mod, moderator, turtle herder, amoeba rancher or whatever the h&#l Thomas is. Now I am goin to have to play nice for awhile.
BTW did no one get the refernce to Fight Club.


ok, 1,000 bite marks on my backside.... enough already.
the only reason I didnt put OT in the heading was............. who the hell calls a mod and makes the post ON topic??