That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!


Sorry. just alittle mad! I was trying to feed his anemone and he bit me. not like hit took a bit a ran... NOOOOOoo. he was looked like he was eating a pork chop!!!


Has anyone ever been bit by a tomato before. Is that anything I shoul worry about?? I don't know?? like fishie rabees (sp?). that little sh-- drew blood!


I don't think you have much to worry about. Just keep it clean and you should be ok. I got nailed by a clarkii a year or so ago.


Active Member
Where I work there is a clarkii that will bite you good if you get too close to his anemone. Nothing to worry about...I doubt it broke the skin. Always catches you off guard though:D


Active Member
Some peroxide, neosporine and a band aid. My angel bites me all of the time, whenever I have my hand in the tank. I have never had blood draw. I feed my fish food in a turkey baster. My theory is to have my hands in the tank as little as possible. Now my domino damsel would take an arm off. That thing had the devil in him.
Sorry to here about your pinkie,


i got a tomato too and it bites me all the time, not just when i feed the anemone but any time my hand is in the tank!


Will your clown feed the anemone? Maybe you dont have to direct feed the anemone. Try giving the clown a pc of shrimp that may be too big for him, he may take it to his host. Ours will spit food right into the tentacles. If it wont, the turkey baster is the best idea.


Active Member
Yeah turkey baster is really easy. Just put the food in some tank water, and suck it up. Then squirt the food into the tank. Not hands involved. I try to keep my hands out, because I wiped my tank out with something that was on my hands.


I have not problem putting my hands in my tank. I make sure I wash my hands and arms before I do anything with the tank. I guess I have to try the turkey baster! I wish he would feed it! then I wouldn't have a problem.
would I be wrong if I were to flict him across the tank? lol


Active Member
My friend have a fresh water tank. She has this fish tat is about 10 inches long. When he picks on the other fish, she puts the net in the water and hits him on the head. I wouldn't do that, but watching her do it is rather funny.


Active Member
Like was stated above. Wash would with soap and water triple antibiotic cream and cover. Change dressing 2-3 times a day and keep clean and dry. See your doc for warmth redness swelling or pus coming out of the would. Red streaks up the arm are also a bad sign. Be sure to mention the fact that the injury was aquarium related as they may have to do special cultures for mycobactrium marinum.


Thx everyone. How do you put a siverside/krill in turkey baster?? replacing him is not a option but if he does become a real Pain...... I got 2 words for him