The Aquarium is falling apart!!


Active Member
This part of the forum has lost a lot of its entertainment value. Cowfishrule is an unusual dude, but at least he was original. Now the threads are just cheap satire.... it's like watching a bad version of Scary Movie over and over again. Inasmuch as CFR is moderately entertaining, now we just have a bunch of poor-man's CFR's taking up unnecessary space in the Aquarium. And some people wonder why Aquarium posts aren't included in our post count. I understand completely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This part of the forum has lost a lot of its entertainment value. Cowfishrule is an unusual dude, but at least he was original. Now the threads are just cheap satire.... it's like watching a bad version of Scary Movie over and over again. Inasmuch as CFR is moderately entertaining, now we just have a bunch of poor-man's CFR's taking up unnecessary space in the Aquarium. And some people wonder why Aquarium posts aren't included in our post count. I understand completely.



Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
This part of the forum has lost a lot of its entertainment value. Cowfishrule is an unusual dude, but at least he was original. Now the threads are just cheap satire.... it's like watching a bad version of Scary Movie over and over again. Inasmuch as CFR is moderately entertaining, now we just have a bunch of poor-man's CFR's
taking up unnecessary space in the Aquarium. And some people wonder why Aquarium posts aren't included in our post count. I understand completely.


I think you mean CFR wannabe's


Active Member
Out of fairness, my type of bacon thread was started based on a debate that me and the new wife had as the fact that I had to put my thick peppered bacon back in honor of her maple bacon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Out of fairness, my type of bacon thread was started based on a debate that me and the new wife had as the fact that I had to put my thick peppered bacon back in honor of her maple bacon...
I think we all know Crimzy is not really talking about you as much as perhaps someone else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I think we all know Crimzy is not really talking about you as much as perhaps someone else.

Originally Posted by stdreb27

It was meant to be a little joke, I know he wasn't talking about me.
Those at fault shall remain nameless. I don't believe in calling people out on here.


Active Member
I suspect if the aquarium continues on its current path it could be removed (as has been done in the past).
That's just my opinion. None of the other Mods have said that, but I know they must get as tired of reading 97 random threads with polls and countless posts on the topic of bacon every day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b http:///forum/post/2735333
someone link to the thread that spawned this one
this is the thread that I jokingly refered to.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect if the aquarium continues on its current path it could be removed (as has been done in the past).
That's just my opinion. None of the other Mods have said that, but I know they must get as tired of reading 97 random threads with polls and countless posts on the topic of bacon every day...
What are you getting tired of political threads, that would be to bad, it has given me some insight on other people's views on society.


Active Member
I'm not tired of any topic that holds relevance. As long as a thread is started to lead to an intelligent conversation I'm fine with it. I'm even fine with an occasional "Wow, that's random" kind of post. At the point, however, where the latter outnumbers the former on the first page there is clearly an issue.


I agree with the slacking aquairum. But its all over the boards. This place has been slowing down more and more. So i see the silly threads as something to break the nothingness that has been happening.
Yesterday I left for 3 hours(~3pm-6pm) and when i got home there had been 2 posts outside of the aquarium. So if there wasnt someone posting junk threads i dont see much action happening at all.
The political threads just raise blood pressures and some people end up saying stupid things. I dont think anyone has changed there political views after reading and arguing here. So i feel they are just as useless as any other thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect if the aquarium continues on its current path it could be removed (as has been done in the past).
That's just my opinion. None of the other Mods have said that, but I know they must get as tired of reading 97 random threads with polls and countless posts on the topic of bacon every day...
Personally, I think that's a tad far, since most people who post quite a bit do like something to read/do when there's a lull in the regular "traffic", but the topics that have come up lately are a bit tired. Especially the constant "obama this / obama that" threads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
I agree with the slacking aquairum. But its all over the boards. This place has been slowing down more and more. So i see the silly threads as something to break the nothingness that has been happening.
Yesterday I left for 3 hours(~3pm-6pm) and when i got home there had been 2 posts outside of the aquarium. So if there wasnt someone posting junk threads i dont see much action happening at all.
The political threads just raise blood pressures and some people end up saying stupid things. I dont think anyone has changed there political views after reading and arguing here. So i feel they are just as useless as any other thread.
I disagree, will they change my mind, probably not, unfortunately the people who are good debater who disagree with me no longer partake in the debate. But I have learned a lot listening to folks who disagree with me.
I to have been dissapointed with the quality of discussion in the main forums. Mainly because when i first got on here I knew nothing, so EVERYTHING was new. However I know how to cycle a tank, and don't want to read how to cycle a tank 10 times in the beginner forum. And when I've posted more detailed questions, or need more than a basic answer, I usually don't get it.

Like right now, I have a 2 bigger candy canes, Both are in simular places in the tank, one looks great, the other has crashed from last week to this week. Why? I have no friggen idea, but I have been slow to post on here, b/c I don't think I'll get any more help than move it to another part of the tank. As if I haven't already done that. So I dunno.
I do however enjoy listening to some people discuss politics without it being full blown nutcases (well I can think of a couple people who are). I think it is interesting to talk to the people who are interested but aren't junkies. Or people really getting angry.