The Aquarium is falling apart!!


Active Member
I havnt been on here for quite a while now...Pop in every so often, but after looking through the aquarium for awhile tonight, it reallys it going downhill..Kinda like the Simpsons...Used to be full or witty just a bunch of stupid oneliners....
Man..I miss Tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
I would think that if they closed the aquarium, then ALOT of people on here wouldnt come back. Could be good, could be bad
I do agree that i do not find the aquarium as charming as i used to, but theres lots of other thread on here for me to enjoy.
I think that could be, because a lot of the people in the Aquarium, don't actually have one?

Or if they do, they cyano farm or have a Sohal tang in a 20long


Active Member
I think crimzy's thought process here was more along the lines of....the Aquarium is not all that bad, actually it's a good stress reliever at times, but an Aquarium forum can only handle but so many CFR's. One at the time is awesome, it keeps the pot stirred and laughing. But then you add another wannabe, then you start loosing the effectiveness of the original. On top of that, the wannabe isn't even funny, just somebody coming up with stupid, random stuff trying to duplicate the author. It doesn't take long to lose interest in both.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I think crimzy's thought process here was more along the lines of....the Aquarium is not all that bad, actually it's a good stress reliever at times, but an Aquarium forum can only handle but so many CFR's. One at the time is awesome, it keeps the pot stirred and laughing. But then you add another wannabe, then you start loosing the effectiveness of the original. On top of that, the wannabe isn't even funny, just somebody coming up with stupid, random stuff trying to duplicate the author. It doesn't take long to lose interest in both.


Active Member
Im just tired of seeing the Obama did this, Obama did that thread ewvery 3 hours.. geez. Geez talk about something McCain did or said


Active Member
Just be sure to keep the amount of rocks to a minimum so he has 'plenty of swimming room' still....
He'll feel more cozy in that small tank anyways....


Perhaps people wouldn't post "mock posts" if those posts were curbed to begin with. The boards have become rather raw. It is not just the aquarium. There is really no point in PMing a mod anymore with posts or links that are not allowed, because they happen anyway. I can see the reason for "joining in on the fun" so to speak. Where is everyone? I see Beth, Bang Guy, lion_crazz, and 1journeyman online anymore. They are the only mods that I see. Things are getting rather out of hand all over. Links are being posted, personal attacks are being made, false information given and somehow the mods are defending the person because that person is not rude to others. A certain individual posts things like "my tank is a prison". Those posts are removed because he is talking about being cruel to his fish but the rest of that person's advice remains! New people asking for help do not know about those other posts. They think that this person knows what he is talking about. How is that right? Posts all over the boards are out of control, not just the aquarium. So what do we do? Shut down the whole board? It seems silly to talk about just shutting down the Aquarium. The problems don't just reside in here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Perhaps people wouldn't post "mock posts" if those posts were curbed to begin with. The boards have become rather raw. It is not just the aquarium. There is really no point in PMing a mod anymore with posts or links that are not allowed, because they happen anyway. I can see the reason for "joining in on the fun" so to speak. Where is everyone? I see Beth, Bang Guy, lion_crazz, and 1journeyman online anymore. They are the only mods that I see. Things are getting rather out of hand all over. Links are being posted, personal attacks are being made, false information given and somehow the mods are defending the person because that person is not rude to others. A certain individual posts things like "my tank is a prison". Those posts are removed because he is talking about being cruel to his fish but the rest of that person's advice remains! New people asking for help do not know about those other posts. They think that this person knows what he is talking about. How is that right? Posts all over the boards are out of control, not just the aquarium. So what do we do? Shut down the whole board? It seems silly to talk about just shutting down the Aquarium. The problems don't just reside in here.
Sepulatian and Reefkprz for MOD


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Perhaps people wouldn't post "mock posts" if those posts were curbed to begin with. The boards have become rather raw. It is not just the aquarium. There is really no point in PMing a mod anymore with posts or links that are not allowed, because they happen anyway. I can see the reason for "joining in on the fun" so to speak. Where is everyone? I see Beth, Bang Guy, lion_crazz, and 1journeyman online anymore. They are the only mods that I see. Things are getting rather out of hand all over. Links are being posted, personal attacks are being made, false information given and somehow the mods are defending the person because that person is not rude to others. A certain individual posts things like "my tank is a prison". Those posts are removed because he is talking about being cruel to his fish but the rest of that person's advice remains! New people asking for help do not know about those other posts. They think that this person knows what he is talking about. How is that right? Posts all over the boards are out of control, not just the aquarium. So what do we do? Shut down the whole board? It seems silly to talk about just shutting down the Aquarium. The problems don't just reside in here.

There are way way way too many gray areas as far as the rules go. So if we dont want these problems make it black and white. and if rules are broken then suspend or ban.. that will take care of all of it.. if this seems difficult or inappropriate to do then these issues will always happen.
This is the internet anyone is allowed here, this isnt a gated community, so sometimes you have to swing the hammer to keep things under control.