The Bangaii bois have landed


Active Member
Well I thought I would share my excitement I stopped by the LFS and he had in Bangaii Carndinals so I picked up a few ;) I think this completes my list of fish for the tank. So it brings the total tally to:
1- Hippo tang
1- Purple tang
1- tomato (won't be if I can ever catch the lil *&#*)
1- Green Chromi (they didn't fare so well, pump got most of em)
5 bangaii Cardinals
2- shrimps, cleander & fire
Best part is he only wanted $11 each. The poor chromi finally has someone to hang out with. And my brave hippo is doing what he always does hiding. The purple is swimming slowly through them, and the poor tomato can't decide to attack them or hid in one of his anemones.


Watch them carefully to see if they pair off and fight. They are usually kept in pairs. I tried 3 and the 3rd had to go back after just a few hours.
good luck and really good pic.


Active Member

Originally posted by Colcoral
Cute little guys.

I will keep an eye on them :) cute but not too bright 5 is now 4 and my carpet has been fed for the week :nope:


too precious I've never seen those before do they shole or school? just wondering feel free to correct me I'm the worlds worst with terms (second only to typeing)
bad carpet bad!!

bang guy

I agree to watch for a pair to form and then remove the rest. Your tank might not be big enough for more than one pair.
Very nice picture though.


Active Member

Originally posted by shawnts106
why I ... I ... that horible sicko carpet freak... going around eatting poor defenseless Bangiiiis!!!!!... weirdo sick freak carpet anemone... I bet its name is... its name is... is...
"gasp"... and relax.. ah, ok anyway! hope everything turns ok with the 4.. be careful... might want to get rid of the carpet! yup... anyway good luck!

na had the carpet too long and besides survival of the fittest baby! :yes: Id seriously think about it if I was waiting the to tomato clown to croak or catch him and put in a few tank raised clowns.


New Member
Very nice Picture! My wife purchased 1 of these for our tank a couple of weeks ago. I didn't like him much at the store, but since we got him home, I really like him alot. He doesn't hide at all. Always out front swimming! I've been thinking about adding 1 more. I think they are great!


banguy......why do you say he doesn't have enough room??????
i have 9 blue eyed (longspine) in my 180 and they are fine.....
is it different with the bangaii??????


Active Member
I've been thinking about adding 1 more.
The one that is in the tank wont except the new one you put in. They should be added at the same time from what I read. Maybe Bang will know for sure.
You could always take out 1 and then add the 2 at the same time.


New Member
I guess we will just keep this one then. My wife would never give this one up even to trade him for another two. She says this one has a crooked fin in front, so she would know the difference. It really is neat though, how they do not hide at all, and are always out front swimming. My other fish scatter like the wind, whenever someone approaches the tank, unless it is feeding time.


I read in the Conscientious marine Aquarist that Bangaii's like to be kept in groups so I purchased 2 more thinking it would make my original Bangaii leave my clown alone. Huge mistake he hates everyone and the smallest bangaii died from being harrassed into hiding. I have to keep the original one away so the other one can eat. I dont think they are that smart either but they are nice looking fish. I wish I knew that my original one was super mean cause I wouldnt have gotten the other 2. Live and learn I guess but I certaintly wouldnt chance adding more later. Some people say 6line wrasse are mean but mine is sweet compared to my Bangaii.


Active Member

Originally posted by bona42na
Im surprised that your Purple Tang hasnt taken them all out already !

my purple tang? seriously he is the least aggessive thing in the tank, next to the cleaner shrimp. He has been the most mellow fish I have had. I was much more concerned about the tomato.


Active Member
Well no reason to worry about them pairing off and fighting.... I came back from the holiday to find just a pair remaining.... will never know the cause, lol or find their remains if there are any. Sometimes I think I almost have too much LR...


Wow, so a 100 gallon will only house a pair of Bangaii?
That's one hell of a territory :eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by Irenicus
Wow, so a 100 gallon will only house a pair of Bangaii?
That's one hell of a territory :eek:

hmm i dont think that was the issue, neither of my anemones will eat today....:nervous: im pretty sure that was the demise.