The coolest thing I have ever bought!


I just purched a laser lighting system for a night light. I tell you it is the best thing I have ever bought. It is completely safe to fish, it even helps them. It looks really cool at night. I put the lasers just above the water, so it shines throught the water the shimmers through the whole tank. It also looks very cool when it shines on a fish.


i would think laser light would be a little intense for fish and inverts if they were to get it in their eyes......i know it hurts my eyes when i look at it


Active Member
My money's on Yoda!!! LOL Broomer!
LED's such as moonbeam lights are said to help spawning. I have one, and that gives the shimmer you mention...but lasers???? I can't see a benefit there...I agree with the above posts that it seems it would hit the fishes eyes and blind them...has that affect on people, I would imagine it would for anything else.


i'm thinking the guy probably was talking about the whole LED lite thing. i've got 'em too, and they're pretty cool.


WOOAAAHHHH!!!! Air! Air! Air!
And that after pages of posts with mathematics, physics, chemistry.... You the man, Broomer!


Broomer toooooooooooo much. Oh my gosh you have no life and I am so glad. That is the funniest thing I have seen in a while, a long while. Thank you sooooo much.
Madame President


This is what the box says on the laser lighting.
-Improves the color of your fish and enhances fin growth.-
-increases fish life-span.
-Helps Reduce bacteria and infection by purifying the water.
-Increases the incubation rate of eggs and growth of fry.
-Increases disease resistance.
-Creates an Aquarium night light of unmatched beauty.
I'm working on getting a pic of it.:)