the global warming swindle


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
I wasn't joking.
I do love how people on this forum find the need to correct people. I mean come on guys, dont you have better things to do with your time? If you don't then I feel sorry for you.
Fixed it for you.


its kind of sad that you have nothing better to do with your time then to correct me. its actually kinda depressing


but i would like to stick to the sub at hand you can start another thread if you would like but lets just leave this thread to talk about the topic.
thanks man
if you have a problem with my typing you can always complain the the moderators
take care


so back to the subject at hand.... i would love for someone to show me some facts about how CO2 causes rising temp. just for educational purposes of course non argumentative

bang guy

Originally Posted by sciknen
so back to the subject at hand.... i would love for someone to show me some facts about how CO2 causes rising temp. just for educational purposes of course non argumentative

The light from the Sun passes through the atmosphere and strikes the Earth either on land or water. Some of this light is reflected and escapes back through the atmosphere. The rest of this light is mostly converted to heat which warms the Earth. For the surface of the Earth to maintain a constant temperature it must radiate the same amount of heat that it receives.
Heat is radiated by the Earth in the form of Infrared Radiation. Most of the Atmosphere is Nitrogen, (02) Oxygen, and Argon. These gasses do not absorb infrared radiation so they do not trap heat. Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, (03) Ozone, and Methane, absorb infrared radiation and heat up when exposed to the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth. If you have less of these gasses in the atmosphere then the atmosphere cools and the Earth radiates more heat and the surface cools. If there are more of these gasses in the atmosphere then the temperature of the atmosphere will increase.


Active Member
If some believe that human pollution is causing global warming, why s the temp. on mars going up at the same rate as the earth. last time I checked people werent driving hummers on mars.?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
If you have less of these gasses in the atmosphere then the atmosphere cools and the Earth radiates more heat and the surface cools. If there are more of these gasses in the atmosphere then the temperature of the atmosphere will increase.
well by definition your wrong
greenhouse gases would "trap" heat in the troposphere(10km up) not the atomosphere
i also addressed this earlier. if what you were saying was true then the temp in the troposphere would be warmer then the temp on earth. this isnt happening. they have proven this by two ways, weather balloons and satellites. scientists have found that the greenhouse gases are not trapping heat.
watch the video on the site i posted earlier. the scientists can explain it a helluva lot better then i can.
global warming is a conspiracy thoery itself that the government is now trying to promote in order to sell future products. (ex: once oil is gone what we use next for transportation)


well oil will not runout it will become very scarce i believe
whether or not the new source of energy is "good" for the environment we will have to think up something else
i like the idea of hydrogen cars. only output is h20 and its cheap its reusable
so i like(borat's voice)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
i like the idea of hydrogen cars. only output is h20 and its cheap its reusable
so i like(borat's voice)
Guess what we use to produce hydrogen: Coal. Hydrogen is not a viable solution.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sciknen
well by definition your wrong
greenhouse gases would "trap" heat in the troposphere(10km up) not the atomosphere
i also addressed this earlier. if what you were saying was true then the temp in the troposphere would be warmer then the temp on earth. this isnt happening. they have proven this by two ways, weather balloons and satellites. scientists have found that the greenhouse gases are not trapping heat.
watch the video on the site i posted earlier. the scientists can explain it a helluva lot better then i can.
By definition? What definition? CO2 absorbs infrared radiation, this is the fact you were asking for. Your comment about the troposphere being warmer "then (sic) the temp on Earth" is backwards. If CO2 is absorbing the radiation then the atmosphere would heat up, not the troposphere.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
i'm not gonna get in to this about you saying that global warming from pollution is a lie. but tell me one thing.
WHY, just WHY are we using oil and gas when we have other resources to use? tell me that.

jimmy 4

The earth is not warming up because the sun is gaining power.
The sun emits Short Wave Radiation...... the short wave radiation is reflected off the earth and oceans as Long Wave Radiation.
Green house gases reflect some of the Long Wave but none of the Short Wave radiation.
so more greenhouse gases mean more heat storage.
You are right about the oceans storing mass amounts of CO2 and methane.
These are released when the ocean warms. Especially when it is warm enough to thaw clatherite deposits.
in my opinion no matter what we do we are fd in the a. so we may as well live it up cause nobody is going to change their ways.


Originally Posted by sciknen
i always had the idea that changing civilian cars isnt needed but the gov't should have all of their cars be hybrid.
i mean like cops who do most of the driving
Wow, that is an insane thought. There would be guys out running cops on scooters.


there are hybrids that fly i mean leik over 150
hell this guy in texas makes hybrids right he uses turbine engines
like plan engines
and the things are crazy effiecent and crazy fast