another one, when I moved over everything from the 55gl to the 75gl I didn't add an extra ph. Just had one. Didn't even think about it. Till stuff starting growing everywhere, I couldn't figure it out, my water was good, lights were good, what the heck? Oh, yeah, I need water movement. That was a pain in the butt to clean up. had to move all the lr around, mixed up a bunch of crap. yuck.
I'd go with ls over cc next time. Don't have to vacuum ls. It's a pain to vacuum cc, esp with lots of lr. Ugh, I can't get to most of the cc from the way Sinner arranged the lr. But what can I do? (other than get a job so I can get ls). Next tank will have ls.
I like Damsels. Once Sinner's freshwater fish die (he's down to five now), I'm going to set it back up as saltwater and put in damsels. Unless he adds more fish...
Ah, another, this was Sinner's doing. He had a 20gl long set up. bought a clown and an annomeoe (right, like I can spell that). Had just regular lights that come with the tank. the clown died soon but Rosy (the annomone) did great, untill he trusted his mom. He was moving, he couldn't be there, all she add to do was plug in the cord. That's all. One cord (had a power strip with filter, heater, air pump ect). And she didn't. After having no heat or air or light for the weekend, Rosy was gone. Oh, this is the same 20gl with the cc and ugf.
Then, she killed my damsels. Big old ugly guy that come with the 75gl and lived through the first move. Then, we're moving again, I have bins of saltwater around the 75gl with the damsel, and she's spraying bug spray all over the ceiling above and around the tank and open bins. My am, and nitites were zero, nitrates like 10 or less. and the damsel died. Umm...I wonder? Lesson, don't let evil mother-in-law near my tanks or fish! Luckly, we had already moved the 55gl so my clown and other damsel and 2 stars were safe.
About *****...we've gotten fish there and haven't had a problem. Sometimes the fish look bad, so we dont' get them. But hey, cheap. I can't order fish from here because I can't add $79 worth of fish to one tank. And other fish stores want way too much for clowns.