the least favorite fish in your tank?



Just wondering what everone's least favorite fish is... don't be politically correct, you can admit that there may be one fish you don't love quite as much.
For me it is my grouper. It is annoyingly aggressive with new fish and steals all the best pieces of food before my other fish get them. Getting fat very fast.


Stinkin' mandarin. Very pretty, very fat but also very hidden!! If I didn't have him, I could add a swimming fish but instead I fell for one of the most elusive fish cause it was pretty in the tank with no live rock in it!! :mad:


I love all my beautes but my pigma angle keeps eating my xeina so He makes me mad at times.


Active Member
Frickin Damsels!!!
I do like my Dominoes though, they seem to be the onces with the most personality.
I will trade them out though as soon as I feel *safe* with putting something in.


Active Member
Oh, this is a easy question for me! Its gotta be my damsel, cant wait till get a lionfish to finish him up!


Active Member
not a fish....but our CC star :mad: He is fun to watch and all, but the thing drives us nuts. Jimmy our fat mandrin....he's out all the time swimming around. (showing off actually, he knows he's the handsome one


My least favorite isn't a fish either... it's a blue spiny lobster... definitely not reef safe!!! He will rip a hermit out of it's shell to eat it and eats up shrimp... he's goin back to lfs on Thursday!!


Active Member
I have a Humu Humu Trigger by far my favorite fish, but he is a killer. He can kill anything if he feels like it. He is almost the largest in the tank. He has killed at least 5 fish so far but last night did it. He just sucked out an eye from my powder blue tang. I tapped on the glass to get him off of him once he already removed one eye. Freaking out not knowing what to do with my wife screaming what did you bring to my house, he poked out the other one so the fish was swimming around for a min with out 2 eyes, a huge whole in his head that you can see through. I removed him and flushed him alive I figured the flush would kill him rite away I couldn’t handle seeing a fish die like that. I love the trigger but I think he might have to go soon.


Mine is not a fish but a decorator to watch but he tares everything off my rock so he can stick it on his head and back.Before I removed him from my reef tack he was walking around with a carpet anemone. I had all I could do to get it away from him. He must of been a hitchhiker because I never purchased him.


Damsels. 6 of them. Hopefully traded off very soon to the LFS. Feeding them to a lion sounds like fun, but unfortunately a lion would eat too many other things...

salty tank

My fireshrimp. He does nothin wrong at all. I just dont like him because i paid $40 for him and he is allways hiding. My cousin has a cleaner shrimp that swims around and has personality. But the fire shrimp does clean other fish so that is good. My blue damsel doesnt pick on my clowns or my yellow tang so i dont mind him at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nine28girl
Why does everyone hate their damsels?
They are aggressive and hateful... mean little guys.


I like my damsel that I have in tank. I don't really care for the Hawiian puffer, he just learks and hovers around too much for me to think that something is going to be his snack.