the least favorite fish in your tank?


New Member
I can't stand my Orbic Cardinalfish. He is so unattractive and just doesn't look like he belongs in our tank. We were tricked by a LFS when we first started out, with them telling us he was rare, and at a good price... Yeah rare because no one wants them! And he's soposed to be so peaceful. Let me tell you he beats the garbage out of my clown pair. He's a big hog too. I actually had a home for him a couple of weeks ago and we spent two whole days trying to catch him! Couldn't get to him. Now we're stuck with him. Is it bad that I'm hoping my emerald crab goes all "Sybil" on him and turns on him? I swear I don't really wish death on's just that I feel like I need to get rid of him! He's messy too and polutes the heck out of our tank.

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by Cartman101
Oh, this is a easy question for me! Its gotta be my damsel, cant wait till get a lionfish to finish him up!
LMAO! I have a pretty big Fuzzy Dwarf Lion in my 72g bowfront with a Blue Devil Damsel, and the Lion pays him no attention!
My Lion would rather chase live ghost shrimp, or chase freeze dried krill, or chunks of silversides that are floating throughout the water column lol.
I'd have to say my Valentini Puffah is making me a little crazy sometimes. He's left me with only 1 Turbo Snail lol. But luckily he doesnt mess with my big hermit crab. I dont know, I kind of want to be able to have more inverts again, especially some shrimp...maybe a Coral Banded.......damn Puffah!


Active Member
DAMSELSSSS! those lil

idc they get picked on by my little female or male percula and the perc is tinyer lol!


Active Member
stupid bi colored damsel i got with a tank i purchased hes so ugly even my lion doesnt think he looks good enough to eat lol


I only have 2 fish at the moment, and 1 is a damsel, I love that fish. Do they get bad when more are introduced. As of right now he and my 2 banded clown have a great time swimming around side by side.


Active Member
least favorite fish in my tank would be the percula clowns.. had 2, one died a few days ago, the other last night... hardy fish they are not. my cleaner wrasse and scooter blenny are much better.


i have a lot..almost half my tank
pink and blue shrimp goby- doesnt do anything except, knock snails off the glass and grab hermits and bring them to his cave
yellow wrasse- i see him on average of 20 min a day, sometimes never coming out for 3 days or so, he dives into the sandbed and is not seen for atleast 24 hours
engineer goby- burrows under everything, almost the same reason i hate the wrasse


Active Member
i dont think it was the eel that needed anger management class. anyway when i dont like a fish i get rid of it so i dont have any i dont like. and no i dont flush them I take them back for credit or give them away. even when it means tearing apart a whole tank to do it. next thing to go in my tank is a black sea cucumber. nothing against him he does a good job keeping the sand clean hes just getting too big for my 29 gallon tank and that is the only tank i have sand bed in rest are bb


I've been punished for my sins with that damn HUMA, he's a monster, I think i even had a nightmare about him, so i guess he's my least favorite,


Powder Blue Tang
Just bought him friday for 100$ took him back tonight for store credit. If you look I have a few posts about dieing coral. Well tonight I came home he's nipping at one of the coral skeletons and my red linkia is barely hanging onto the glas and looks more like a tatered flag than a star fish. So in three days he cost me about 150$ in coral and starfish. That little ajffnasdioab idanv dnadjfaae naejowaf eniao. Guess any type of fish can be nasty.


Originally Posted by Zsalinas
My sailfin blenny just hides all the time and does nothing. He's so boring and he'll barely poke his head out to see if anybody is around. If there is he just stays hidden pisses me off.
Maybe some day if I can ever get my tank ready I'll buy him from you (if you can catch him).
Now this would be a good business, to own a bunch of groupers in various sizes and rent them out to anyone that wants to get rid of their evil minion damsels!
I could call it


Active Member
My most hated fish I ever had was 12 damsels...I had to tear my whole tank apart to get rid of those suckers...


Active Member
The only fish I had that I hated is a stupid damsel. He used to kick up the sand and move rock around :mad: :mad: . Then he started picking at my other fish :mad: :mad: . That is when I took the rock all down and took it back to the LFS.


New Member
I agree - I had a blue damsel that was beautiful but when I added my regal blue tang which I paid a lot more for than the damsel - the damsel was trying to kill her "Dory" and we had to remove almost all of the rock to catch the stinkin' damsel and flushed. Dory is going great. WE love tangs. We're wanting an achilles' anyone recommend where to purchase one?


Originally Posted by blennius
Maybe some day if I can ever get my tank ready I'll buy him from you (if you can catch him).
Now this would be a good business, to own a bunch of groupers in various sizes and rent them out to anyone that wants to get rid of their evil minion damsels!
I could call it

Sounds good to me, and yeah if I can ever catch him. He's in the rocks all the time I'd have to tear it completely apart.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lionfish1
I love how damsels are the most hated fish but everyone has one (me included). LOL

i dont

i did my hw and research
before i stocked my tank and knew to avoid them, so that i can enjoy my tank ***) .


I really hate to jump on the band wagon, but its the #Y$(&#*&(B damsels, the green chromis and the blue damsel. STUPID LFS said they were great together for beginners, and of course, they lived through the tank cycling (I do feel bad, maybe thats why they are mean), nut those stupid fish bite each other, they both look funny now, not only that, but they sit on my hermit crabs.and keep scarign the crabs back into the shell. MEAN LITTLE

! WORSE! I cant catch them so a little 15 gallon is wasted on them. Not only that, the LFS wont take them back, since he says he has plenty. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad:


Originally Posted by Hottie79
I really hate to jump on the band wagon, but its the #Y$(&#*&(B damsels, the green chromis and the blue damsel. STUPID LFS said they were great together for beginners, and of course, they lived through the tank cycling (I do feel bad, maybe thats why they are mean), nut those stupid fish bite each other, they both look funny now, not only that, but they sit on my hermit crabs.and keep scarign the crabs back into the shell. MEAN LITTLE

! WORSE! I cant catch them so a little 15 gallon is wasted on them. Not only that, the LFS wont take them back, since he says he has plenty. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad:
what kind of dam. r they? I'll take em off your hands


Its a green chromis and a blue reef chromis... You can have them! As long as you prmise to be nice to them