the least favorite fish in your tank?


New Member
I have a humahuma but after reading all the stories i think im going to trade him in... just seems like these guys r time bombs.


Active Member
my coral beauty. always hidden and only comes out if theres seaweed or food around.
least favorite invert are my cleaner shrimp. when i use to have an anemone, whenever i fed the anemone the shrimps will come and take it even though the anemone at it already they will still try and take it.


Active Member
Im goin with my CC Star... he might be comming out soon.... Hes definitly a killer... killed alteast 3-4 snails, and have a feeling hes going to go after my sea cucumber which i bought yesterday


I hate my clarkii clown he thinks he rules the tank and its annoying that he bugs my other fish!


My zebra eel is turning in to my least favorite. He never swims around the tank anymore and rarely even pokes his head out. He comes out twice a month when he's hungry then hides again for another few weeks. It's too bad, he's beautiful, healthy, and huge. I definitely like my spotted eels more. They are hyper active demons!


My sailfin blenny just hides all the time and does nothing. He's so boring and he'll barely poke his head out to see if anybody is around. If there is he just stays hidden pisses me off.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I have a Humu Humu Trigger by far my favorite fish, but he is a killer. He can kill anything if he feels like it. He is almost the largest in the tank. He has killed at least 5 fish so far but last night did it. He just sucked out an eye from my powder blue tang. I tapped on the glass to get him off of him once he already removed one eye. Freaking out not knowing what to do with my wife screaming what did you bring to my house, he poked out the other one so the fish was swimming around for a min with out 2 eyes, a huge whole in his head that you can see through. I removed him and flushed him alive I figured the flush would kill him rite away I couldn’t handle seeing a fish die like that. I love the trigger but I think he might have to go soon.
:scared: :scared: :scared: thats so sad!!!!so sorry :scared: i would also not have flushed any fish either
(if that happened to my fish, that murdurer would have to face my moms fury! :scared:


Active Member
Normally I like puffers but the porcupine has been biting the tail of the clown trigger lately, almost down to a stub even though they are the same size 3". Dont know what to do other than take one back.


my stupid retarrted lazy fat snowflake eel he ate my clown fish but is going to the lfs on saturday for more store credit but i hate that eel so much i feel like taking him out of the tank and slicing him down the middle ripping his guts right out and flushing the guts down the toilet or giving him to the sushi place and they can eat him


Active Member
Not to jump on the band-wagon or anything, but damsels are evil minions of satan and deserve to be dinner
....too bad they're the fastest fish on the planet. Anybody ever witness a lion actually get close enough to sting a damsel?


New Member
Originally Posted by drago
My maroon clown, very nice but very agressive.
I don't care too much for my maroon clown either, he always bites me when I pick up the LR that falls in my tank. I do like my Damsels I got them as babies and they are great. My fish all are great natured except my maroon clown. :mad:


Originally Posted by jcrim
Just wondering what everone's least favorite fish is... don't be politically correct, you can admit that there may be one fish you don't love quite as much.
For me it is my grouper. It is annoyingly aggressive with new fish and steals all the best pieces of food before my other fish get them. Getting fat very fast.

Oh my God, mine too. I absolutely hate my grouper. I hate to say that...but it is true. He is such a hog!! He is just a baby (-4 inches), but last week he ate two of my damsels. So, it has begun. I was going to take him back to lfs, get a credit, and get a fish that I liked. My husband has chosen this fish as his favorite
So, I have to continue to strategically feed my fish so that the grouper gets his mouth full, then I put the good stuff in for all the others. felt good to get that off my chest...

hawk fish

dont like my perc he not only scares away all the other fish from his coral but he bites me as soon as my hand hits the tank even if i scare him off he swims right back at me and bites my hairs off!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: and the femail is as nice as can be she just sits in the coral all day and does nothing