The luckiest person ever.


I ordered a Cataluna T5 retro light about a month ago. The light came in two weeks ago, and then today on my porch when I got home was another light. Now I have two 8x54 watt retro units. My parents think I should send it back but I feel I should just sell it and make the money back for the first one I had.


Spread the luck. How long is it? How much?
Originally Posted by anthonyq
I ordered a Cataluna T5 retro light about a month ago. The light came in two weeks ago, and then today on my porch when I got home was another light. Now I have two 8x54 watt retro units. My parents think I should send it back but I feel I should just sell it and make the money back for the first one I had.


Same thing happened to me but I got two Aqua C Remoras....I sent mine back, I had to do the right thing. But don't think the thought didn't cross my mind tho...


Active Member
i would prob keep it but then idk..... karma........... but still............i would keep it...............but...........karma...........ahhhhhhhhhh!


Member's yours! If a company sends you something in the mail, you legally do NOT have to send it back.


If your parents are going to make you send it back. Call the company and see what they want you to do with it. Maybe/hopefully they will tell you to keep it because they messed up. As for having morals. Hummm... This coral/fish is not correctly priced. Maybe I should tell them. Yeah right, Sir/madam may I have that fish/coral.. Morals Morals.. See what they do to people.


Active Member
I would definitely call the company and tell them they double shipped, but remember their customer service may give you the wrong return address so you should probably ship it to me and i'll make sure they get it :p
morals or no, its always easier to be honest than try to remember your lies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
morals or no, its always easier to be honest than try to remember your lies.
Originally Posted by renogaw
I would definitely call the company and tell them they double shipped, but remember their customer service may give you the wrong return address so you should probably ship it to me and i'll make sure they get it :p
morals or no, its always easier to be honest than try to remember your lies.
couldnt have said it better myself, honesty IS the best policy


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819's yours! If a company sends you something in the mail, you legally do NOT have to send it back.
I would like to see this law... That is not true. If the company sends you something by mistake, they can contact you to return it. If you refuse then they can bill you for it. If you still refuse, then they can turn you over to collections and it can ruin your credit.
Call them and ask them if they want it back. Have them pay the shipping. Eventually they will probably realise what they've done and if you can't return it (because you sold it) then you will have to pay them for it. I had the same thing happen to me when I bought a cell phone online. They asked for it back.


Active Member
i'm trying to understand why you would keep it, or sell it.
If that happened to me while i was living with my parents there wouldn't be a discussion about it, it would be returned.


yeah.... even though I really need new lights for my 90g fowlr, cus i want a reef, I would call them and ask them if they made a mistake and for instructions on what to do with it. I firmly believe in Karma, and if you do this, then you will be rewarded soon enough.


Did you ever think that the 2 sets of lamps are his reward for something good he did in the past or something bad that happened to him before.
Originally Posted by arman
I firmly believe in Karma, and if you do this, then you will be rewarded soon enough.


Active Member
Just leave them in the box and wait for them to contact you. If you bought from the company I think you did they probably wont catch it. If they do make sure they have UPS come pick it up. Don't go for "send it back and let us know what it costs and we will send you a check".
Quite frankly you would have been the luckiest person ever if they would have sent you a Tek light or other good T5 system by mistake


I've gotta put in my 2 cents...just remember...along the lines of the karma thing...what goes around comes around...ALWAYS!


id keep it its there mistake they overcharge for every thing they right off soo many losses at the end of the year any way.. and if they call for it you just say you dont know what there talking about
i know im a bad person but hey so are they