The luckiest person ever.


Active Member
karma is a b**** im telling you, send it back... i had something *stolen* on my tank, and a week later everything died. it may not have been related to the product but somehow it seems stuff like that always comes back to get you. do the right thing. send it back

ric maniac

Active Member
oh, boy, i would send it back! karma will get you back. i was mean to my friend once and within two days of my mean thing i lost an ipod video and my 300 dollar bike!


Active Member
You know the definition of integrity?
Definition of Integrity:
Doing the right thing even though no one is looking.
-RFB's Father 1980
You want to kill two birds with one stone, be honest as honest can be, Call the company and ask them if they will give it to you at bargain. Say you cant afford to purchase a second light, nor do you really need one. But since its already at your doorstep, if they would take less for it then you would like to pay them and make it right, Otherwise you would like to know how to go about shipping it back on thier dime of course.
Honesty goes ALONG way. Either way its a win win. They want it back, then you did the right thing. They give it to you for a song since you were so honest...AWESOME.
Another potential outcome is they say Merry christmas and to enjoy your 2nd light guilt free on the house since its already a done deal and you are so honest....This is where SOUNDING like a kid helps. LOL
Good Luck with anything you decide.


Active Member
its there mistake they overcharge for every thing ...
i know im a bad person but hey so are they

Two wrongs don't make a right, and how much a company charges does just justify stealing from them. If you were caught shoplifting and went before a judge and tried to tell him "it's the store's fault for charging so much" he'd lock you up and throw away the key.
Back to topic, as far as this situation is concerned... legality doesn't matter. If you keep the light, even if they have a legal right to expect it back, you'll probably never get caught. Legal or not legal, you need to decide what kind of person you want to be.
Imagine this scenario: you lost your wallet with $20 and an ID (and thus a way to contact you) in it. You later find that someone found it, and because they had no legal obligation to notify you and return it, they didn't. Would you think to yourself "Well, they had no legal obligation, so I guess good for them" or would you be even a little bit angry that they didn't make even the slightest effort to contact you?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that legal or not legal aside, and if you are a religious person, God aside, no amount of money can buy your conscience. You are the one who has to deal with your choice, and if you make what you perceive to be the wrong choice, the money you make selling that light will not help you. So whatever your choice, these are the moments that define character, so think long and hard about whatever you do


It's like that Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints commercial...I feel touched by an angel! Yay!


Active Member
I actually had SWF send me two zilla timers and I contacted them 3 times about it before they finally replied back to me about it. I was about to give up and just list it on "the big auction site" because I didnt need it and I couldnt get anyone to get back to me. They finally did though and I just mailed it back the other day.


Active Member
people have their own beliefs and morals, not everyone will believe the same things. if he/she believes it's right for him/her to keep it then let him/her. who are we to tell him/her that it's not right? karma? i doubt it. there's so many random things going on in this world that each small decision affects everyone around them. just because something weird happens one day doesn't mean we should blame it on something imaginary as "karma." i still think they maybe charged you twice. i always make dumb mistakes and never look at the quantity of things i buy. not saying it's wrong or right, but it's up to that person to make that decision.


Originally Posted by Sly
I would like to see this law... That is not true. If the company sends you something by mistake, they can contact you to return it. If you refuse then they can bill you for it. If you still refuse, then they can turn you over to collections and it can ruin your credit.
Call them and ask them if they want it back. Have them pay the shipping. Eventually they will probably realise what they've done and if you can't return it (because you sold it) then you will have to pay them for it. I had the same thing happen to me when I bought a cell phone online. They asked for it back.
If a company sends you merchandise in the mail, you are not legally obligated to return it to them. I work for a wireless company and if we send out doubles it's a known thing that we cannot ask for it back. Think about it, a company sends you something by mistake, it gets lost in the mail, and you think they're going to bill you and ruin your credit?! It's not brain surgery.


I bought new furniture in October last year. It was delivered 2 days later. A week and a half later I got a call at work confirming the delivery for the next day. I was confused since they had forgot the pillows that went with it so I agreed because that is what they were supposed to deliver. They showed up at my house with a new set of furniture. It was tempting but I sent it back. I was worried about karma. Would have been nice to have $2000 in furniture for free though!


This is directly from, or the federal trade commission:
FTC Consumer Alert
Unordered Merchandise
...You receive a pocket knife that you never ordered. Despite your objections, the company continues to send you notices demanding payment and threatening your credit rating.
What do you do when you receive merchandise that you didn’t order? According to the Federal Trade Commission, you don’t have to pay for it. Federal laws prohibit mailing unordered merchandise to consumers and then demanding payment.
Here are some questions and answers about dealing with unordered merchandise.
Q. Am I obligated to return or pay for merchandise I never ordered?
A. No. If you receive merchandise that you didn’t order, you have a legal right to keep it as a free gift.
Q. Must I notify the seller if I keep unordered merchandise without paying for it?
A. You have no legal obligation to notify the seller. However, it is a good idea to write a letter to the company stating that you didn’t order the item and, therefore, you have a legal right to keep it for free. This may discourage the seller from sending you bills or dunning notices, or it may help clear up an honest error. Send your letter by certified mail. Keep the return receipt and a copy of the letter for your records. You may need it later.
Sly: The next time you go around saying things aren't true...try to at least have somewhat of an idea of what you are talking about.


Active Member
I don't think laws are right or wrong either. They're just there to follow to make sure everything runs smoothly.


I'm not saying it's not morally wrong or whatever...I was simply mentioning the legalities of the situation, which I just happened to know. The law tends to be kind of an important factor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Matt819
I'm not saying it's not morally wrong or whatever...I was simply mentioning the legalities of the situation, which I just happened to know. The law tends to be kind of an important factor.
yeah, i know. legally it's okay for the person to keep the light..


Hey, if it's the company I think it is, you might need the backup down the line from what I hear. Maybe that's why they sent a second. Don't get me wrong, I ordered from them too, it's on it's way, can't beat a good price.


Active Member
Wow, if this is such a debate so early in your life I cringe with the thoughts of how you will react to these situations when you become an adult......A very wise and dear friend once told me "Morals are what you do when nobodys looking, not what you do when your being looked at"


yea bro just send it back you never know if they might just give it too you for being honest, atleast thats what happens to me in this situation


New Member
Just send it back. You did not pay for it. If you lost your wallet and somebody found it, I'm sure that you would want it back. If you do the wrong thing and keep it, don't be surprised if you get a bill or phone call once they figure out their honest mistake. The older that you get, the more you will understand these types of things that happen in your life. You will like yourself more by doing the right thing and so will others.


Wait a minute.
Okay you should send it back so you will get rewarded later down the road because your karma value will increase?
No man you should send it back(have them pay for shipping). Not because you will get rewarded down the line but because it is the right thing to do. Probally sounds corny but it is the truth.
At some point in time in your life you must make the choice to be a good person or a bad person. I don't care what you choose. I have friends and family that aren't the greatest people but I still like them. If you go down the road of only thinking about yourself you will be a very unhappy person. If you take the other road you should have a peaceful and more enjoyable life .