The luckiest person ever.


I purchased a chiller and they sent me two I sold the other one for half off to someone at


Originally Posted by andy51632
Wait a minute....
......If you go down the road of only thinking about yourself you will be a very unhappy person. If you take the other road you should have a peaceful and more enjoyable life .
Which sounds like Karma or as we say down south: "What comes around, goes around."

I've got a good guess that the company anthonyq is talkin about is the same one that sent me my 2 remoras. I called them, they sent me a RMA and I boxed the spare up and dropped it off at a UPS store. No sweat. I've bought from them probably about 4-5 times now and the only mistake they've made has been in my favor. I'm understanding enough to I know there is probly some poor slob in shipping who screwed up and and is sweating his job cause he believes he just cost his company a $170+. People make mistakes.
If this is the same company I use, they have been the cheapest place/best selection of dry goods/equipment that I have access to without a minimum order size. SWF is the best on livestock. At least in my limited experience with them so far.
I wonder if anthonyq realizes what he started here......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
I would like to see this law... That is not true. If the company sends you something by mistake, they can contact you to return it. If you refuse then they can bill you for it. If you still refuse, then they can turn you over to collections and it can ruin your credit.
Call them and ask them if they want it back. Have them pay the shipping. Eventually they will probably realise what they've done and if you can't return it (because you sold it) then you will have to pay them for it. I had the same thing happen to me when I bought a cell phone online. They asked for it back.
There is no way the company could send you to collections for this. If you said you never recieved it that wouldnt fly any farther than a one legged horse with wings growing out its butt.


Active Member
And to everyone else who keeps saying its the right thing to do:
Who makes the call on whats the right thing to do in this situation? Him, his parents, the government? Obviously we have determined that by law, this is deemed a free gift and it is up to the recipient of this free gift if they even want to contact the distributor. In this circumstance with the recipient being a minor it is up to the parents as to what their moral obligations are - if any.
Who are you people to persuade a kid into feeling guilty about recieving a product from a company??? Its the companies fault in the first place and they should be the ones to find and correct THEIR mistake. If they contacted me I would gladly send it back but to make it my problem would make it my new light. You should let his/her parents make the choices and stay out of it.


Active Member
I am not trying to press my will on others but your talking about it as if it were ambiguous if the company intended to send a second fixture.
He bought one. They obviously made a mistake and sent two.
As its said- ownership is 9/10th os the law. No pressure or guilt but it is not your fixture. You have it, they wont beat down your door for it. Nor will they force you to pay. No one will sue you or put a lien or collection to you for it. Nothing to do with splitting legal hairs with it.
Someone else brought up back in this thread about someone finding your wallet. Since theres no legal responsibility to return it then is it now unclear with what to do with someone elses property you have in your posession? You cant say they stole your wallet, you cant tell them they OWE you your wallet. its just a matter of personal desicion. In my eyes its just plain not yours so give it back.
It got mailed to you but that doesnt make it rightfully yours, it does not make your actions righteous. You can justify till the cows come home but while its not right in my book. I live by my books, not you so do not take it as anyhting but my opinion.
Comes down to ethics, nothing more or less.
Again I restate I am NOT the person to make the desicion, not trying to guilt some poor chap that thought he scored a heck of a deal. Just being bluntly honest- I would lose respect for someone that would hide behind something as unprovable instead of something thats common sense as ethical in solution to the issue.
The approach that it is a company and not a real person holds no weight with me. Someone or Some People own that company and its rightfully thier property.
Could only imagine what would happen if this person found a wallet or someone delivered the neighbors package to them by mistake. Poor Neighbor would be SOL and in this mindset you have justified the absence of deliberatly stealing the package out of the mailbox with someone elses mistake becomes your rightful property.
With no malice- do what you choose as it really does NOT affect me in any way. I am intrigued with this thread the way people justify actions by virtue of no consequence instead of inherrent ethical values.
Say what you will but I disagree purely on grounds that it is not SUPPOSED to be, or INTENDED to be in your hands as enough reason to return it.


New Member
Anthony, you stated that your parents 'think that you should send it back". So why are you asking us? Don't you do as they say? I know I did.
Sure, you are seeing $$$ by selling it, but what if you keep it, sell it, and then get a call or invoice? Then you have another problem. You can do what you want, but I think your parents are correct and maybe should be a little more firm in their choice. Be an honest man and simply return it. You will sleep better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Who are you people to persuade a kid into feeling guilty about recieving a product from a company???
...stay out of it.

I've been following this thread and I see opinions on both sides of the fence. While I'll agree that he didn't exactly ask for anyone's advice on this, his post really was, from the get-go, a lighting rod for opinons; and opinions he got... mine, yours, everybody's. Of course, he also hasn't posted since the first post, so I doubt he'll be back.
My read from the beginning is that he didn't want to return the light fixture (look at the thread title) and he was hoping to garner support from members here to make him feel better about that decision. It didn't work out that way, so he hasn't posted back since.
I tried very hard with my post on this to not tell him what to do, but I will say that if it were me, I'd return it, for the sole reason that it's just good business. He may want to do business with that company, get support from them, etc in the future, and having a good relationship with dependable vendors is always a good thing.
That said, Delta is correct IMO, in that this is between him and his parents. At the same time however, he brought that problem here and people shouldn't be ripped for chiming in.
Frankly, it's time for this thread to go bye-bye.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I am intrigued with this thread the way people justify actions by virtue of no consequence instead of inherrent ethical values.
Again while stipulating that this statement does not constitute an opinion on my part as to what he should do...
This is a very lucid point. I've been thinking the same thing myself on this over the last few days, but you summed it up very nicely.
... oh, and BTW... the wallet thing... that was me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
That said, Delta is correct IMO, in that this is between him and his parents. At the same time however, he brought that problem here and people shouldn't be ripped for chiming in.
Frankly, it's time for this thread to go bye-bye.
Im glad you got what I was trying to say. I wasnt meaning to rip on anyone, mainly trying to open peoples eyes to the fact that it should really be up to this kids parents to do the parenting.
Closing this thread might not be a bad idea - I think all sides have been explained twice over...


Active Member
wow this thread is still going.
i'd be curious to see how many times the credit card is charged. A lot of times duplicate orders can happen by clicking submit twice. the packing slips probably have two different order numbers on them so while the OP thinks he got one for free, i'd bet he got charged twice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
That would be a great closer to this debate.

MAN the attitude would change LOL. going from HAHA i got a free one
to DARNITALL look at this credit card bill


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
MAN the attitude would change LOL. going from HAHA i got a free one
to DARNITALL look at this credit card bill

Too bad we'll probably never find out... I dont think the kid posted since he got all excited about the extra light. Maybe it was the credit card bill that caught his tongue...


Active Member
Well I am not really a very spiteful person but boy that would be a kick in the pants.
The original poster does seem like a nice kid. Got exited and perhaps a little $$ in the eyes when he thought he scored.
I do agree that this thread has run its course but I sure would like to see the CC statement now.
To the Original Poster- Good luck with anything you decide and I hope all parties resolve positivley.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
To the Original Poster- Good luck with anything you decide and I hope all parties resolve positivley.-RFB