The Moon Poll


My daughter came home from school the other day and told us they had a documentry on how NASA didnt goto the moon. So I did somE detective work on the net found some really intersting things. One was the Van allen radiation belts.
So how many people think NASA went and NASA didnt?


Why wouldnt they have gone?
I understand the race with Russia, and the Cold War.
Having to do one up on everything Russia has done.
But why would they fake it?
There are people out there who arent as dumb as the rest of us.
I think they could have built a rocket ship and gone in the 60's.


Originally Posted by phelpz
Why wouldnt they have gone?
I understand the race with Russia, and the Cold War.
Having to do one up on everything Russia has done.
But why would they fake it?
There are people out there who arent as dumb as the rest of us.
I think they could have built a rocket ship and gone in the 60's.
Let me point you to here and pay attention. I never really thought NASA went just because of the technology but after seeing this and some other things really blew my mind
Do a you tube search and you will see an uncut NASA fill of them in earth orbit fakeing the earth shot when they said they were 130.000 miles away and then a day later they landed on the moon the screwed up there time frame.


Active Member
Anyone who doesn't think we landed on the moon is eating food that is for Tangs only
. What, is there no space station either


Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
Anyone who doesn't think we landed on the moon is eating food that is for Tangs only
. What, is there no space station either

and maybe Pluto is not really a planet....wait, bad analogy. Maybe there really is life on the sun. Flaming people that don't need air and are invisible, too.


In my optical mineralogy class, my professor gave us the opportunity to look at the rocks brought back from the Apollo landings. These rocks were prepaired as thinsections, which is a piece of rock mounted on a glass slide and thinned to the point where light will pass through the minerals. Usually to a thickness of aproximatly 3 microns. These thin sections can then be examined under a Petrographic Microscope.
The thin sections were very interesting. When Lunar Basalt is compared to terrestrial Basalt, there is absolutly no evidence of weathering in the lunar rocks. Also the Anthrocite which makes up the Lunar Highlands is heavily fractured from the many meteorite impacts on the surface of the moon... but there is no indication of weathering in these fractures. Both of these indicate an environment with little or no atmosphere, and no water.
Also, there was a thin section of a Titanium rich mineral (can't remember the name) which was thrown up from a meteorite impact. These crystals were predominatly round in shape, If they had fallen through an atmosphere like ours, they would be teardrop shaped due to drag.
Attached are pictures of the thin sections of the moon rocks. First is the Lunar Basalt under cross polarized light, second is Lunar Anthrocite also under cross polarized light, and finally the titanium rich mineral under polarized light.



Active Member
All I can say is, once again, what the heck is our educational system coming to?
No reasonable science education, everyone is trying to pull one over on you, it sucks to be American...
Truly it seems home schooling is the only option, at least for those who want kids to actually learn about science, to have a sense of achievement and amazement, and aim to go further...
I can only pray to God that the Apollo 1 astronauts, the Challenger and the Columbia astraunats did not die - that it was a hoax too.


Active Member
not to be thick-headed, but my only question is, if we went to the moon, why havent we been back since the 70's ?
what is taking so long to get to mars? all that technology and all that funding, and we are still just sending shuttles to the station?


Active Member
Ahhhhh government run schools.
It's nice to see how our educational system is educating our kids how to be a bunch of left-wing consipiracy theorists.

I can see what tomorrow is going to be like:
Daddy Daddy! I learned about universal healthcare in school today! Are we rich? If not, then we don't have to pay for it!
Although I will also state that the whole "creationism" and "intelligent design" "education" that the hard right is trying to slipstream into schools is just as big of a pile of BS as the latter.
Explain to me how that is "education?"
School should be about facts (science, history, math, etc). Leave religion and conspiracty theories up to us to teach our kids should we want to.


Active Member
I was taught that Columbus was trying to prove the earth was round. There are a lot of stupid people and unfortunately stupid teachers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
All I can say is, once again, what the heck is our educational system coming to?
No reasonable science education, everyone is trying to pull one over on you, it sucks to be American...
Truly it seems home schooling is the only option, at least for those who want kids to actually learn about science, to have a sense of achievement and amazement, and aim to go further...
I can only pray to God that the Apollo 1 astronauts, the Challenger and the Columbia astraunats did not die - that it was a hoax too.

I'm thinking more along the lines of private school where there's an emphasis on science education. Too many people have meddled with the public school system, and now it's a diluted waste-land where kids only go to learn out to be popular, not get educated. We're loosing any competitiveness with other countries on education mostly because of this dilution. Japan blows us away in that arena, as do many countries. Pretty soon we'll be in the Dark Ages of education...


Active Member
"I can only pray to God that the Apollo 1 astronauts, the Challenger and the Columbia astraunats did not die - that it was a hoax too."
You said what I was thinking.
Thank you
Maybe Grissom and the others are eating banana sandwiches with Elvis somewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
not to be thick-headed, but my only question is, if we went to the moon, why havent we been back since the 70's ?
what is taking so long to get to mars? all that technology and all that funding, and we are still just sending shuttles to the station?
We put a LOT of funding into sending men to the moon with a lot of risk. The funding just isn't there to land back on the moon today. Besides, we went just to show that man can go to the moon, what reason is there to return?
As for Mars, I believe it would be a 2 year journey in a cramped space shuttle. The repercussions are much worse with such a long trip that I don't think we're ready. Again, there isn't really the funding for this either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
"I can only pray to God that the Apollo 1 astronauts, the Challenger and the Columbia astraunats did not die - that it was a hoax too."
You said what I was thinking.
Thank you
Maybe Grissom and the others are eating banana sandwiches with Elvis somewhere.
Eh, they probably don't teach stuff like that anymore, but Challenger made a huge impression on my life because I was in grade school at the time. That was still back when the work of astronauts and the launching of shuttles was still an amazing thing that made the news. Now many kids haven't even seen film or photos of a launch.
I don't think the film making technology was around to make such unbelievable footage of a Apollo Saturn V moon rocket at launch.
I think that we, as Americans, have lost a lot of what sent us to the moon and got us home too. Pride, ingenuity, it is more cool to be a pessimist, a conspiracy advocate and a believer in doom.


Active Member
If I had a child in a school that was shown a goofy conspiracy movie the next school board meeting better have additional security, cause I'm going to be demanding someone's head.
We went to the moon more than once. That fact seems to be getting lost here as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If I had a child in a school that was shown a goofy conspiracy movie the next school board meeting better have additional security, cause I'm going to be demanding someone's head.
We went to the moon more than once. That fact seems to be getting lost here as well.


Originally Posted by SteelGluer
My daughter came home from school the other day and told us they had a documentry on how NASA didnt goto the moon. So I did somE detective work on the net found some really intersting things. One was the Van allen radiation belts.
So how many people think NASA went and NASA didnt?
I think you need to seriously consider what kind of "education" your daughter is receiving at that school. By the way, is it a public school? Which one?
What's next? 9/11 Truthers? Michael Moore "documentaries"? Expanding Earth Theory? (see: )